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what scenario might throw the following exception from datomic.client.api.async/ares when performing a d/transact? i’ve seen it in my logs but i haven’t been able to reproduce it locally.

  "DatomicClientSpiContextId": "3531bf84-e4b7-49ca-a0bd-77596c8ee872",
  "CognitectAnomaliesCategory": "CognitectAnomaliesFault",
  "DatomicClientSpiException": "java.lang.NullPointerException",
  "DatomicClientSpiRootException": "java.lang.NullPointerException",
  "CognitectAnomaliesMessage": "java.lang.NullPointerException with empty message",
  "Dbs": [
      "DatabaseId": "39ecd0a0-c976-4f48-b453-3a92cf42ccc9",
      "T": 12345,
      "NextT": 12346,
      "History": false


it’s coming from an Ion, if that helps


Has anyone with experience using Metabase with Datomic Analytics run into the issue where timestamp columns are not options for sorting in the query editor? I can filter by them, I can aggregate by them, but I can't sort by them because the column doesn't show up in the list of options. If I convert the question to SQL I can sort by the column just fine. @joe.lane have you heard of this? 👀

Joe Lane14:05:56

I have not used metabase myself so I don’t think I will be much help.


Is there a way to control restore-db storage write-concurrency? (writing to jdbc storage if it matters)


Can I just start with -Ddatomic.writeConcurrency=X as if it were a peer property?

Joe Lane18:05:25

Read concurrency is also 2x write conc by default