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In an undistributed datomic install using sql storage, is it possible to start the transactor from a local jar file declared in deps.edn? What I’m thinking is to copy datomic-transactor-pro-1.0.7075.jar to a lib directory under the project along with the needed database driver, declare the dependency like this in deps.edn com.datomic/transactor {:local/root "lib/datomic-transactor-pro-1.0.7075.jar" and then start it using the proper incantation, which I have yet to figure out. Would this be a viable way to set up a system, or am I heading in a wrong direction?


the transactor also needs jars in the lib directory on its classpath. You can do this, but your path would be reimplementing what the bin/transactor shell script does as a deps-edn alias or something like that


also bin/classpath


For a light duty application, would this approach avoid starting the transactor in a separate java process? I’m not clear how the transactor properties would be passed into the transactor like this.


no, it would not

👍 1

datomic-pro:mem or dev-local are the only options for not having separate peer and transactor processes


I’ve got SQLite working as storage. I’m trying to figure out how best to start the transactor with the application, using Integrant for instance …