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Hi! I can’t find info about keys: :apply-msec, :api-ms, :msec . What exactly do they mean?

INFO default  datomic.transaction - {:tid 119, :txid #uuid "64e5f5e8-dfe9-4b8f-9cd6-aebce505ffe7", :datom-count 3, :apply-msec 4.16, :io-stats {:api :tx-with, :io-context :db/tx, :api-ms 4.1, :reads {}}, :pid 1, :event :tx/process, :msec 22.4, :t 46982}


@U1LR4AN75api-ms represents the time spent processing the transaction including tx-with time. • msec is the transactor time or everything that can be measured from the transacting process (i.e. everything but interprocess communication). • apply-msec in the context of a transaction is functionally the same as api-ms, I would not rely on this number outside of a support context. We have a future metric coming down the line which will show the Total apply-msec of transactions over 1 minute (process monitor log).

👍 2
datomic 2

Hi! I am trying to write function which will return history of given entity, the problem is, that I have some refs that don't have to exists, is there any easier way than I am doing? My code is:

(defn find-history
  [db request]
  (->> (d/q '[:find ?tx ?update ?message ?state
              :in $ ?e
              [?e _ _ ?tx true]
              [?tx :db/txInstant _]
              [?e :request/updated-at ?update ?tx true]
              [?e :request/message ?message ?tx true]
              [?e :request/state ?state-eid ?tx true]
              [?state-eid :db/ident ?state]]
            (d/history db) [:request/id (:request/id request)])
       (map #(->> %
                  (map vector [:tx :update :message :state])
                  (into {})))
       (map (fn [e]
              (let [owner
                    (d/q '[:find ?owner .
                           :in $ ?e ?tx
                           [?e _ _ ?tx true]
                           [?tx :db/txInstant _]
                           ;; :request/owner can be nil
                           [?e :request/owner ?owner ?tx true]]
                         (d/history db) [:request/id (:request/id request)]
                         (:tx e))]
       (sort-by :tx)))


Ok I have changed the function so it takes everything from transaction and now it contains only changed attributes:

(defn find-history
  [db request]
  (->> (d/q '[:find ?tx ?attr ?value
              :in $ ?e
              [?tx :db/txInstant _]
              [?e ?attr ?value ?tx true]]
            (d/history db) [:request/id (:request/id request)])
       (map #(->> %
                  (map vector [:tx :attr :value])
                  (into {})))
       (group-by :tx)
       (map (fn [[tx xs]]
              (reduce (fn [acc {:keys [attr value]}]
                        (let [attr-ident (d/ident db attr)
                              value (if  (= :request/state attr-ident)
                                      (d/ident db value)
                          (assoc acc attr-ident value)))
                      {:tx tx}
       (sort-by :tx)))
Is there better way to retrieve refs then with extra d/ident call?


supply attrs as input?


This what you want?

(->> (d/q '[:find ?tx ?attr ?value
            :keys tx attr value
            :in $ ?e [?attr ...]
            [?e ?attr ?value ?tx true]]
          (d/history db) (find request :request/id) [:request/state])
     (sort-by :tx)
     (into []
            (partition-by first)
            (map (fn [xs]
                   (into {:tx (:tx (peek xs))}
                         (map (juxt :attr :value))


You don’t really need query here either, (d/datoms history-db :aevt attr entity) gives you the same


off-topic: (find request :request/id) => [:request/id 123] 🙂


@U09R86PA4 I wanted to achieve that result will be list of transactions where at least :request/state was transact and in each transaction I want to include all changed attributes


So request/state changes tells you what txs to inspect, then you want everything from that tx?


If so then the second phase should use the tx log


Or maybe not? Maybe you just want what changed on that entity?


Either way, d/ident is the fastest way to get a keyword of an attr if you have a number. The greater concern is whether your queries are fast, clear, and correct


For example, if you just want what was asserted with transactions which also asserted a change to request state, this may be better (assuming all attrs are card-one):

(->> (d/q '[:find ?tx ?attr ?value
            :keys tx attr value
            :in $ ?e
            [?e :request/state _ ?tx true]
            [?e ?attr-id ?value ?tx true]
            [(datomic.db/ident $ ?attr) ?attr]]
          (d/history db) (find request :request/id))
     (sort-by :tx)
     (into []
            (partition-by first)
            (map (fn [xs]
                   (into {:tx (:tx (peek xs))}
                         (map (juxt :attr :value))


However if you want what the entity looked like before or after request-state transaction (i.e. including attrs that didn’t change), then you’re doing a pull with d/as-of on each tx you find.


or if you want everything that happened in the tx to any entity, you want to use tx-range to get the log entry for those txs which had request state changes

Joe R. Smith19:08:44

Getting errors back from a Datomic Ion push, but I cannot see the error due to this unmarshalling exception. I'm running Java 17.0.1 and the latest batch of Datomic Cloud libs. I have no AWS SDK dependencies in my code.

{:command-failed "{:op :push}",
  "Unable to unmarshall exception response with the unmarshallers provided (Service: AWSResourceGroupsTaggingAPI; Status Code: 400; Error Code: UnrecognizedClientException; Request ID: 617bc07d-7b77-4744-a3a5-84809f3fcf5f; Proxy: null)",
  :class AmazonServiceException})}

Joe Lane21:08:06

Downgrade your jvm then try again and post the stack trace of that doesn’t answer what’s going wrong


May worth to mention: Ions run on, in case you ask "which JVM I should run?" Hope that is enough to fix your issue! 🤞

Joe R. Smith18:08:04

I'm actually not worried about what the error is, I'm more interested in solving the unmarshalling error, in general. I was hoping it wouldn't involve downgrading my JVM.

Joe Lane19:08:38

@U087E7EJW check the bottom section of this page for flags to pass to the jvm on startup to bypass this issue if you can’t change jdk versions.

👀 2
Joe R. Smith20:08:42

tried that previously: Unrecognized option: --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED

Joe R. Smith20:08:58

added to my deps' :jvm-opts