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Hi, I used to connnect to my datomic cloud compute instance like described here It broke sometime recently. Now it seems like ec2 by default has a sshd config that does not allow tcp forwarding, can that be my issue? Do you know how to configure ec2 to allow that? I can connect with ssh fine. But trying to connect to the nrepl says "administratively prohibited: open" in the ssh session. sshd_config has

#AllowAgentForwarding yes
#AllowTcpForwarding yes
those commented out

Daniel Jomphe12:03:19

My access is still fine but I'm yet to upgrade to the latest Cloud release that came out a few weeks ago. I don't know if they made changes that could impact this. I've been using replion's procedure to the letter for a few years now without issue. Didn't need to edit sshd_config.


we are on the latest datomic cloud and no problem with the replion access. on upgrade though, the IPs of the compute instances change, so if u were using custom dns entries to access replions, don't forget to update those dns entries


user> ( "whoami")
{:exit 0, :out "datomic\n", :err ""}
back for some reason after updating datomic 🙂

🍻 1