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Is there any way within a query to propagate the current rule environment (`%`) into it? I am frequently in a situation where I need a subquery for an existence check (i.e. “any of these values may match”) but need a rule in the subquery. E.g. a rule like

[(rule-any-matches ?e ?test-values)
 [(q '[:find ?e
       :in $ [?test-value ...]
       :where (some-other-rule ?e ?test-value)] $ ?test-values) [[?_ignored]]]]


If I mention % I get an exception; if I don’t, the rule seems to silently just not work


Yes, pass the rule to the outer query as something like rule instead of %, then pass that to the subquery as %


hm, it’s kinda annoying that datasources are ambient in rules and I can’t ever have more than one of them (and often would like it); yet rule sets are not, I would never want more than one, and yet I have to manage its propagation myself?


My google-fu seems to be failing me. Does anyone happen to know where in the docs the behavior of a pull reverse lookup + isComponent=true + cardinality=one is specified as returning the result not in a vector? e.g.,

;; schema 
{:db/ident       :not-a-component
 :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
 :db/valueType   :db.type/ref}
{:db/ident       :a-component
 :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
 :db/valueType   :db.type/ref
 :db/isComponent true}

(d/pull db
        '[{:_not-a-component [:title]}]
        [:id "a"])
=> {:_not-a-component [{:title "foo"}]}

(d/pull db
        '[{:_a-component [:title]}]
        [:id "a"])
=> {:_a-component {:title "foo"}}


Maybe it was only in old docs describing the entity map api, before client+pull became the “preferred” apis


I’m also not sure I ever read it anywhere; it’s just one of those datomic trivia things at this point


Haha. I vaguely remember a blog post discussing components that may have mentioned it. I recall the blog content would slide up from the bottom of the screen haha.


ah, but the first example contradicts this doesn't it..


oh nvm, it's there "Reverse references for non-component attributes."