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How does one specify a transactor when using a postgres backed storage for Datomic pro? I get an exception error saying that I am trying to connect to localhost on the transactor, but the transactor is running on another machine. Looking over the documentation I cannot find anything about that for SQL
see the sample configuration in file DATOMIC_ROOT/config/samples/
Relevant configuration:
Solved the problem. For future reference in the event that someone else runs across the same problem I’ll detail it here. 1. I had a postgres storage backed datomic database running on one server. Both the transactor and the postgres RDBMS was running on the same server. 2. I had to switch to a public IP later on in the process when I wanted to access it from another machine. 3. Doing so broke the transactor, but since it was by now running as a service, I didn’t see that until much later when I started looking at the logs 4. Trying to connect to datomic from my peer didn’t work a. It helpfully threw an exception, telling my that it could not access the transactor on the host “localhost” b. What the exception did not tell me was that it also tried the server that the RDBMS was running on as a transactor host as well. This sent me on a wild goose chase, trying to find the error on the peer side, when it instead could not connect to the transactor at all, including the correct transactor address c. The documentation is very unclear on how you connect to the transactor when you have a SQL backed storage, and does not at all tell you that it uses the same address for transactor as storage by re-using the storage address as a transactor address. i. I might be missing in the documentation how you could specify a transactor, but from what I could read on the connect function in the documentation for datomic.api, everything is baked in to the connect function 5. Finally looking at the logs of the transactor, once I had made sure I could connect to the storage, I saw that the transactor now was not connecting to the storage. Running everything manually showed any faults real quick, and allowed for easy debugging of the issue Hope it helps someone 🙂
What I'm missing here? trying to use a peer classpath function in a transaction:
(defn create-movie [db e title genre release-year]
[[:db/add e :movie/title title]
[:db/add e :movie/genre genre]
[:db/add e :movie/release-year release-year]])
(d/transact conn [[bar/create-movie "foo" "The Goonies" "action/adventure" 1985]])
#object[datomic.promise$settable_future$reify__7837 0x1d654b5f {:status :failed, :val #error {
:cause "Cannot write bar$create_movie@51468039 as tag null"
[{:type java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException
:message "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot write bar$create_movie@51468039 as tag null"
:at [datomic.promise$throw_executionexception_if_throwable invokeStatic "promise.clj" 10]}
{:type java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
:message "Cannot write bar$create_movie@51468039 as tag nul
yes bar
is the full ns and I"m running transact
from bar
too, quoting gives :cause "Could not locate bar__init.class, bar.clj or bar.cljc on classpath."
FWIW the docs here don't use quoting
You’re transmitting a symbol to the transactor, not a function object (regardless of what the docs look like)
Missing {:tx-data [[...]]}
oh it needs to be available to the transactor classpath? the docs make it look like you can setup set them up with the peer only if you want, like you can set them in the transactor or peer
> To add a classpath function for use by transactors, set the DATOMIC_EXT_CLASSPATH
environment variable before launching the transactor, e.g. if you added your code in mylibs/mylib.jar
yeah but the whole thing makes it sound like you can set them in the peer only too, maybe I'm misreading A classpath function is an ordinary Clojure function added to the classpath of a Datomic peer or transactor. To add a classpath function for use by peers, use your ordinary classpath-building tools, e.g. tools.deps, leiningen, or maven.
In the peer it’s just normal code. You need it in the peer to do e.g. d/with
on a tx that uses that fn
the contrast here is between funs installed into the db, which are addressed by keywords/idents, and fns addressed by symbol, which you just make sure are in the environment of whatever will execute them.
ok, was wondering if it has to be a jar or just a dir can do since it's not clear how DATOMIC_EXT_CLASSPATH
extends the CP
‘database functions’ is older, but the difference is just where the code is stored. Is it stored-procedure-like, or code-like?
right they are just accessible in the environment, which you can change. They’re not versioned with schema.
What is the fastest way to do a substring check in a :where clause? essentially clojure.string/includes?
or re-matches
and this is a fullscan of all datoms under consideration?
How bad is this naive query then, are you saying it's not so bad?
(d/q '[:find [?e ...]
:in $ ?needle :where
[?e :order/email ?email]
[(user.util/includes-str? ?email ?needle)]]
db (or ?email ""))
(defn includes-str? [v needle]
(clojure.string/includes? (clojure.string/lower-case (str v))
(clojure.string/lower-case (str needle))))
It’s scanning every order-email assertion, yes, but that’s from [?e :order/email ?email]
not the predicate
In this case would it be generally encouraged to slug the string to lowercase at transaction time to avoid the computation in the loop, or is stuff like this generally considered idiomatic then
btw if you want a case-insensitive match I recommend using something which doesn’t force new string allocations
re-matches ?
i see so the idea is to reduce memory pressure moreso than optimzie the speed
e.g. org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase()
which uses String.regionMatches under the hood
ok, thanks
Also if this is really all you are doing, and the number of emails is very large, it may be better to use d/datoms + filter directly because that will use much less memory (maybe passing all or part of the result as input to another query). Queries need to realize their result sets and can’t be computed lazily or incrementally.
I want to find the first t-value where one of a set of attributes is asserted (any of them is fine). Right now i query for any of the attributes, convert the tx->t and find the lowest number. But this scales pretry badly as the database increases. Afaik theres no index i can use, so im considering other options. (Datomic client btw)
tx is ordered as well isn't it?
how about something like
(d/datoms (d/history db) {:index :aevt :components ...})
first datom for attr in :aevt index might be what you want assuming the e is all in the same partition and thus the ids increase (not sure how this works in cloud)
the history db includes retractions, perhaps you want a regular db
for context, right now i have this query:
(d/q {:query '{:find [(min ?t)]
:in [$ [?attr ...]]
:where [[?e ?attr _ ?tx]
[(datomic.api/tx->t ?tx) ?t]]}
:args [db relevant-keys]})
on second thought, the history db may not be indexed, so hopefully the vanilla :aevt index has what you want and can answer this query efficiently – please report back what you find
(time (->> relevant-keys
(map #(first (d/datoms db {:index :aevt :components [%]})))
(reduce (fn [tt [a e v t]]
(min tt (datomic.api/tx->t t)))
This is working about 200x faster (30s to 150ms)does it return correct answers? Lol
i don't think you need tx->t either
(or rather you can call it once at the end if you need the basis in that form)
@UHJH8MG6S u said u r using datomic client, right?
i can't find tx->t
in that:
Unable to resolve var: datomic.api/tx->t in this context
Unable to resolve var: datomic.client.api/tx->t in this context
also, the tx values contain some partition number, which might not be monotonic as time goes on, so i think we can do min
on the :tx
dimension of datoms.
(i haven't checked this claim personally, just heard it from my colleague)
:thinking_face: think i have datomic-pro on the classpath, but using client. I need t
because i have to feed it into tx-range. This code is used in a synchronization mechanism to elasticsearch (datomics fulltext isnt gdpr compliant)
I could run tx->t inside a query to keep it “pure”-datomic client