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Brendan van der Es06:07:14

Whats the best way (if there is one) to develop datomic ions in java? In on-prem I would've transacted java functions to db for use in peers so I'm curious I'm curious if there is something analagous for ions.


when iterating through the results of d/tx-range I got the Request Entity Too Large error. Setting smaller range with :start and :end parameters helps, but it's still very easy to see this error with some datoms. Previously I can retrieve many more datoms in one d/tx-range request. Any suggestions?

clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Response body did not conform to Datomic client protocol
    cognitect.anomalies/category: :cognitect.anomalies/incorrect
     cognitect.anomalies/message: "Response body did not conform to Datomic client protocol"
                     http-result: {:status 413,
                                   {"apigw-requestid" "Vg4UxisCDoEEJsQ=",
                                    "server" "Jetty(9.4.44.v20210927)",
                                    "connection" "keep-alive",
                                    "content-length" "38",
                                    "date" "Tue, 19 Jul 2022 12:17:47 GMT",
                                    "content-type" "application/json"},
                                   :body "{\"message\":\"Request Entity Too Large\"}"}