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Ivar Refsdal11:04:22

I've started writing a blog post about how Datomic handles network read failures. Would publishing it be in violation of EULA term (j) publicly display or communicate the results of internal performance testing or other benchmarking or performance evaluation of the Software;? Thanks.

Robert A. Randolph20:04:17

It is exciting that you are interested in blogging about Datomic, and we appreciate your inquiry regarding the EULA. We would be happy to review and make sure that the material is technically accurate and compliant with terms of use. When you are ready for this process please create a support ticket (<mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]>) with more details.

Ivar Refsdal07:04:49

Thanks. Will do.

Lucas Jordan14:04:21

I am using datomic cloud. I have a list of eids, I want to pull all of them in one query. How do I do that? (edited)


(d/q '[:find (pull ?eid pull-expr) :in $ pull-expr [?eid ...] :where [?eid]] db ['*] your-eids)

Lucas Jordan14:04:00

Thanks @U09R86PA4, that upgraded my brain on how datomic queries work 🙂


you can also map d/pull (with the same db!) over your eids

Lucas Jordan15:04:15

@U050ECB92, thanks, yes. That is what I was originally doing, but sort of assumed the overhead would be higher (multiple calls). My assumption may be wrong.