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Hi, we might need to transfer an existing datomic cloud system to a new aws account. What is the best way to handle that?


When deploying a Datomic HTTP direct endpoint, the final step in creating an API gateway says: > Enter your `http://$(NLB URI):port/{proxy}` as the "Endpoint URL". This NLB URI can be found in the Outputs tab of your compute or query group under the "LoadBalancerHttpDirectEndpoint" key The value in my CF Outputs tab is formatted like this "". If I were to follow the docs exactly, I would end up with a Endpoint URL that looks like this: http://{proxy}. I'm assuming that is not what the docs wanted, correct?

Joe Lane22:06:23

@kenny You can watch the video tutorial on http direct for more clear instructions. Definitely don't do http://http://...


I didn't 🙂 Following the docs verbatim would lead to that URL. Surprised it wasn't caught. Not really a huge fan of video docs...


Any idea why all calls to a Datomic http direct endpoint result in a 500 with this response?

    "message": "Internal server error"
The API gateway logs end with a very unhelpful error.
Execution failed due to configuration error: There was an internal error while executing your request


I don't think the request is even hitting Datomic.

Joe Lane23:06:44

Did you watch the Video Tutorial?


Is there really info embedded in a video tutorial that is not in the textual docs?

Joe Lane23:06:21

The error message is telling you that you misconfigured it.

Joe Lane23:06:29

I've seen that error before when I was working on creating an http-direct deployment and, in fact, I did misconfigure it. You're totally right that it isn't hitting datomic.


Watched the video. I have followed the steps exactly & still get the 500 :thinking_face:


Full example logs:

Execution log for request 6c5c6e23-0d88-4ac3-a160-374fc3842a83
Wed Jun 10 23:11:17 UTC 2020 : Starting execution for request: 6c5c6e23-0d88-4ac3-a160-374fc3842a83
Wed Jun 10 23:11:17 UTC 2020 : HTTP Method: POST, Resource Path: /datomic
Wed Jun 10 23:11:17 UTC 2020 : Method request path: {proxy=datomic}
Wed Jun 10 23:11:17 UTC 2020 : Method request query string: {}
Wed Jun 10 23:11:17 UTC 2020 : Method request headers: {}
Wed Jun 10 23:11:17 UTC 2020 : Method request body before transformations: 
Wed Jun 10 23:11:17 UTC 2020 : Endpoint request URI: 
Wed Jun 10 23:11:17 UTC 2020 : Endpoint request headers: {x-amzn-apigateway-api-id=eq2azct4a2, User-Agent=AmazonAPIGateway_eq2azct4a2, Host=}
Wed Jun 10 23:11:17 UTC 2020 : Endpoint request body after transformations: 
Wed Jun 10 23:11:17 UTC 2020 : Sending request to 
Wed Jun 10 23:11:17 UTC 2020 : Execution failed due to configuration error: There was an internal error while executing your request
Wed Jun 10 23:11:17 UTC 2020 : Method completed with status: 500
Everything appears correct. I wish aws had a bit more info as to what "configuration" could be causing this error.


This is a uname deployment. I assume that can't matter though.