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Sam DeSota00:04:31

I don't see it documented, but it appears that you can only use the d/tx-range to map over 1000 datoms at a time? Is this correct? Requesting on a datomic cloud database with about 4 million datoms, where 13194139533312 is my first txid:

(count (into [] (d/tx-range (conn) {:start 13194139533312 :end nil}))) ;; => 1000

Sam DeSota00:04:31

Also, this behavior applies to ts

(count (into [] (d/tx-range (conn) {:start 0 :end 4000}))) ;; => 1000

Sam DeSota00:04:39

I fixed via

(defn infinite-tx-range [conn {:keys [start end]}]
  (let [current-end (+ start 1000)]
    (if (and (some? end) (>= current-end end))
      (d/tx-range conn {:start start :end end})
      (lazy-cat (d/tx-range conn {:start start :end current-end})
                (infinite-tx-range conn {:start (+ start 1000) :end end})))))

Sam DeSota00:04:00

Definitely feels like a bug.

Joe Lane00:04:37

Look at the namespace docstring you need to specify :limit -1 along with :start and :end . Example:

(count (into [] (d/tx-range (conn) {:start 0 :end 4000 :limit -1}))) ;; => 4000

Sam DeSota00:04:11

Ah, got it. Thank you very much.

đź‘Ť 4
Joe Lane00:04:37

Look at the namespace docstring you need to specify :limit -1 along with :start and :end . Example:

(count (into [] (d/tx-range (conn) {:start 0 :end 4000 :limit -1}))) ;; => 4000

Sam DeSota14:04:30

I noticed that my datomic tx count was growing faster than I expected, after inspecting the tx log, there appears to be random no-op transactions a few times per second:

[#datom[13194144633312 50 #inst "2020-04-22T23:19:36.303-00:00" 13194144633312 true]]
[#datom[13194144633313 50 #inst "2020-04-22T23:19:36.549-00:00" 13194144633313 true]]
[#datom[13194144633314 50 #inst "2020-04-22T23:19:36.771-00:00" 13194144633314 true]]
[#datom[13194144633315 50 #inst "2020-04-22T23:19:37.336-00:00" 13194144633315 true]]
[#datom[13194144633316 50 #inst "2020-04-22T23:19:38.186-00:00" 13194144633316 true]]
[#datom[13194144633317 50 #inst "2020-04-22T23:19:38.919-00:00" 13194144633317 true]]
[#datom[13194144633318 50 #inst "2020-04-22T23:19:39.696-00:00" 13194144633318 true]]
[#datom[13194144633319 50 #inst "2020-04-22T23:19:40.024-00:00" 13194144633319 true]]

Sam DeSota14:04:13

Just double checking, is this normal behavior?


It’s normal behavior…for an application that is transacting a few times times per second 🙂

Sam DeSota14:04:49

Right, but these txs have no datoms besides txInstant, and I'm probably not transacting that often. So probably a bug on my end?

Sam DeSota14:04:05

Got it, thank you


you should check before you submit the tx whether your tx-data is empty

đź‘Ť 4

datomic won’t drop a transaction--every time you call d/transact it will transact at least tx-instant, or fail


it’s also possible to submit non-empty tx that ends up not changing anything. that would also look like an empty tx

đź’Ż 4

e.g. if you reassert a datom that is already there

Sam DeSota14:04:13

Ah interesting, that's helpful

Sam DeSota15:04:58

Working adding some monitoring for the issue above ^ but all the (cast/dev) calls break with an error like this, was only able to find one older slack message in the archive, but there was no resolution for the issue. Any hints?

> (cast/dev {:msg "Test"})
No implementation of method: :-dev of protocol: #'datomic.ion.cast.impl/Cast found for class: nil


cast/dev does not cast in production You’d need to redirect cast/dev before calling it


if you’re running in an active ion, use cast/event instead

Sam DeSota15:04:21

Got it. Will cast/dev break in a REPL? Both cast/dev + cast/event break with a similar error locally in a REPL. Want to make sure it won't break my production ion.

> (cast/event {:msg "CodeDeployEvent"})
No implementation of method: :-event of protocol: #'datomic.ion.cast.impl/Cast found for class: nil


something else is going on there do you have datomic.ion.cast in your require and also check versions you’re using

Sam DeSota15:04:49

This is my setup, checking out latest versions

;; versions
com.datomic/ion {:mvn/version "0.9.35"}
com.datomic/client-cloud {:mvn/version "0.8.81"} 

;; ns 
(ns my.util
  (:require [datomic.client.api :as d]
            [datomic.ion :as ion]
            [datomic.ion.cast :as cast]))

(defn transact [& args]
  (cast/event {:msg "CodeDeployEvent"})

  (apply d/transact args))

Sam DeSota16:04:04

These appear to be latest versions in ion starter

Sam DeSota16:04:22

Weird, isolated deps and loaded just this namespace and still having the same problem

Sam DeSota16:04:13

Okay, so I guess event/cast just doesn't work locally at all? I just cloned ion starter and same error.

Sam DeSota16:04:48

I guess I have to throw up a test endpoint to see if it works in ions

Sam DeSota16:04:43

In case anyone else runs into this, cast/event does not appear to work locally, though perhaps that can be fixed with When deploying to ions, it is able report to cloud watch correctly.

Sam DeSota16:04:28

Yes, calling (cast/initialize-redirect :stdout) fixes the issue locally.


Why does the groupping happens differently in my :2 & :3 examples?

(let [names [[1 "Jane"] [2 "JaNe"] [3 "JANE"]
               [4 "paul"] [5 "Paul"]
               [6 "EVE"]
               [7 "bo"]]
        q #(->> (d/q % names)
                (sort-by (comp count second)))]

       (->> names
            (group-by (comp str/upper-case second))
            (map set)
            (sort-by count)
            #_(filter (comp pos? dec count)))

       (q '[:find ?upcase-name (distinct ?id+name)
            :in [?id+name ...]
            [(untuple ?id+name) [?id ?name]]
            [(clojure.string/upper-case ?name) ?upcase-name]])

       (q '[:find (distinct ?id+name)
            :with ?upcase-name
            :in [?id+name ...]
            [(untuple ?id+name) [?id ?name]]
            [(clojure.string/upper-case ?name) ?upcase-name]])}))
output is:
 (#{[6 "EVE"]}
  #{[7 "bo"]}
  #{[5 "Paul"] [4 "paul"]}
  #{[1 "Jane"] [2 "JaNe"] [3 "JANE"]}),
 (["BO" #{[7 "bo"]}]
  ["EVE" #{[6 "EVE"]}]
  ["PAUL" #{[5 "Paul"] [4 "paul"]}]
  ["JANE" #{[1 "Jane"] [2 "JaNe"] [3 "JANE"]}]),
 ([#{[6 "EVE"] [1 "Jane"] [5 "Paul"] [2 "JaNe"] [3 "JANE"] [4 "paul"]
     [7 "bo"]}])}
i would expect
(q '[:find (distinct ?id+name) :with ?upcase-name ...
(q '[:find (distinct ?id+name) ?upcase-name ...
form groups the same way


I encountered this recently too. feels like a bug?


im pondering over this for more than an hour. read the related docs in a few times, but i don't see any mistakes i'm making, so yes, feels like a bug to me too. where and how can i report it?


hopefully it gets visibility here, but opening a support ticket is a guaranteed way to get attention


i've also seen situations where using the set function as an aggregate behaved differently than using distinct. it feels like a related issue maybe. have u seen anything like that? should they not be the same from a functional perspective?


here is a more minimal example for other who might also want to play with it:

(let [names ["a" "A" "b"]]
    [(-> '[:find (distinct ?name) ?upcase-name :in [?name ...]
           :where [(clojure.string/upper-case ?name) ?upcase-name]]
         (d/q names))

     (-> '[:find (distinct ?name) :with ?upcase-name :in [?name ...]
           :where [(clojure.string/upper-case ?name) ?upcase-name]]
         (d/q names))])

=> [[[#{"a" "A"} "A"] [#{"b"} "B"]] [[#{"a" "b" "A"}]]]


So I'm trying to automate deployments with Amazon Codebuild, and having a working deploy script (it runs fine on my local machine). However, when it runs on the codebuild server I get the following error: Error building classpath. Could not find artifact com.datomic:ion:jar:0.9.35 in central () . I can download the exact zip used by codebuild and run the script fine on my local machine. Why would clojure-cli not know to look for the ion jar in datomic's repo?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:04:10

It probably is - the error just reports the last place it looked

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:04:06

I think this is actually maybe a known issue with code build though

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:04:47

Where code build can’t see stuff in a different region or different vpn or something


Huh any chance you know a workaround? I suppose this isn't strictly necessary, but it would be nice

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:04:10

They’ve run into this on the Datomic team iirc

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:04:54

I’m not remembering the details

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:04:12

Don’t think they’re available rn


I think I found the issue (, thanks for the hint that it was codebuild's fault


@U05120CBV unfortunately, I'm running this codebuild in us-east-1, so I guess it's a different issue?


I just had this issue and ended up packaging my own ~/.m2 repo (with just com/datomic included) in a private s3 bucket, downloading and extracting that in the codebuild


it is really unfortunate workaround but I couldn't get access to the datomic releases, even in the same region


Are your permissions for Codebuild setup correctly? You need either Administrator access or add this to an IAM policy that is attached to the codebuild instance profile:

            "Sid": "DatomicReleasesAccess",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "*",
            "Resource": [


@U0539NJF7 That's probably it. I'll look into it.


Yep that seemed to do it. Thanks, stijn