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Hi all, One of the queries I’m trying to run seemed “slow”, at around 2+ seconds on my local machine. The query is just trying to match on an exact value for an attribute. It looks something like this:
'[:find [(pull ?e [*]) ...]
:in $ ?target-val
:where [?e :some-attr ?target-val]]
It turns out, there are ~10M entities with this particular attribute. I then tried to speed this up by asking for the attribute to be indexed.
The attribute was updated to look like:
{:db/ident :some-attr
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/index true}
However, the query speed did not change.
I then tried looking things up directly through the AVET index like so.
(d/datoms db :avet :some-attr "12345")
This results in an error. Saying the attribute isn’t indexed.
Execution error (Exceptions$IllegalArgumentExceptionInfo) at datomic.error/arg (error.clj:79).
:db.error/attribute-not-indexed attribute: :some-attr is not indexed
I also tried running
(d/request-index (db/get-conn)) ;=> true
(deref (d/sync-index conn (d/basis-t (d/db conn)))) ;=> blocks forever
I’m pretty lost on how to go about getting the index built.
Is there something obvious I’m missing here?
I’m running 0.9.6014 btw.Use a basis t exactly corresponding to the t when you issued request-index (or a little older if you are unsure) to your d/sync-index call
@U09R86PA4 I left everything running over night. The index still isn’t available. Digging a bit in the log, I found that whenever I ran
(d/request-index (db/get-conn))
The following lines would soon show up in the log file:
2020-02-17 14:19:10.773 WARN default o.a.activemq.artemis.core.server - AMQ222165: No Dead Letter Address configured for queue admin.request5e4a305e-a0cd-4a28-a539-6e209b4d53ec in AddressSettings
2020-02-17 14:19:10.778 WARN default o.a.activemq.artemis.core.server - AMQ222166: No Expiry Address configured for queue admin.request5e4a305e-a0cd-4a28-a539-6e209b4d53ec in AddressSettings
2020-02-17 14:19:10.860 WARN default o.a.activemq.artemis.core.server - AMQ222165: No Dead Letter Address configured for queue admin.response5e4a305e-bd13-4fe6-905e-d3a0a0ace172 in AddressSettings
2020-02-17 14:19:10.860 WARN default o.a.activemq.artemis.core.server - AMQ222166: No Expiry Address configured for queue admin.response5e4a305e-bd13-4fe6-905e-d3a0a0ace172 in AddressSettings
2020-02-17 14:19:10.909 INFO default datomic.update - {:event :transactor/admin-command, :cmd :request-index, :arg "stock-insight-d1b785f9-4994-485c-960f-45cc94ebced8", :result {:queued "stock-insight-d1b785f9-4994-485c-960f-45cc94ebced8"}, :pid 97181, :tid 97}
2020-02-17 14:19:11.328 INFO default datomic.update - {:index/requested-up-to-t 25104804, :pid 97181, :tid 54}
Indexing on said field was enabled at t:25104802. So I guess that means the transactor thinks all index as been brought up to date?
Would those activemq warnings be some indication that something isn’t working the way it is supposed to?
Also, I noticed that I was starting the transactor with java 11. I’ve since switched to running it with java 8. Could that have messed something up?
The last line means the index has been requested up to that T, not that it is finished
@steveb8n, that did not work .. seems like
is not allowed in the :allow section of the ion-config.edn file
Could this be a serialization issue? Try using a string for the re and constructing a pattern early in the query with re-pattern
In mine I have just the fn from the namespaces I need e.g. clojure.string/starts-with?
since Pattern in java interop, you might create your own fn with Pattern inside and “allow” that instead
Hey folks,
Let say I have an entity with an attr called :entity/hash
and more than one entity may share de same hash value
Now I want to perform a query where I will pass a list of hash hash1 hash2 hash3
and the query will return a tuple of hash count-of-entity-with-the-same-hash
like this: [hash1 3 hash2 5 hash3 80] or {hash1 3 hash2 5 hash3 80}
Don’t want to perfom that at application level. I want the query to give me back that result. Is it possible and how can I achieve that?
Snippet code will be very welcome 😄
Unless I misunderstood the question, this sounds like an aggregate count query:
[:find ?hash (count ?hash)
:in [?hash ...]
:with ?entity
:where [?entity :entity/hash ?hash]]