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in datomic cloud (prod topology) I'm getting errors in the lambda cloudwatch logs. how fatal are these?

{:cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/unavailable, :cognitect.anomalies/message "Connection reset by peer", :clojio/throwable :.IOException, :clojio/socket-error :receive-header, :clojio/at 1574976823963, :clojio/remote "", :clojio/queue :queued-handler, :datomic.ion.lambda.handler/retries 0}


how come the latest (`569-8835` Nov 27th) version of datomic cloud solo only supports N.Virginia region?

$ curl -s  | jq .Mappings.RegionMap
  "us-east-1": {
    "Datomic": "ami-066145045fc7a4ad0",
    "Bastion": "ami-09e416d6385c15902"
  "us-east-2": {
    "Datomic": "",
    "Bastion": ""
  "us-west-2": {
    "Datomic": "",
    "Bastion": ""
  "eu-west-1": {
    "Datomic": "",
    "Bastion": ""
  "eu-central-1": {
    "Datomic": "",
    "Bastion": ""
  "ap-southeast-1": {
    "Datomic": "",
    "Bastion": ""
  "ap-southeast-2": {
    "Datomic": "",
    "Bastion": ""
  "ap-northeast-1": {
    "Datomic": "",
    "Bastion": ""


AWS marketplace issue. Use the latest version listed in the datomic docs releases oage

👍 4
Oleh K.17:11:03

I wasn't able to create today a Solo stack on new AWS account with the latest template (of 27 Nov), it just fails. Is it a known problem?


@okilimnik use the latest version listed on the datomic docs releases page


The newest on AWS has several problems that we are attempting to resolve


hi, I would like to understand a little better the behavior of datomic under load. For example, what is happening on the index-mem-mb metric in this situation?

Linus Ericsson20:12:02

Datomic seems to keep the most recent transactions in memory to batch write them efficiently. If I understand correctly, it means that the transactions only store the tx-data for each transaction (and can batch even that) which means Datomic eventually has to re-calculated its indexes. This is probably what can be seen in the last part of the graph, where the JVM obviously does a lot of work GCing, and then, when the index memory is full, recalculated the db and empties its batched up index memory.


I noticed that for sometime, my application was processing 200msg/s from rabbit and after 15 min of operation it went down to 10msg/s I am looking at the metrics to figure out the mechanics here