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is it possible to use enums in tuple lookup refs? eg, this works:

(d/entity db [:rule/algo+expr [17592186045417 "XXX"]])
but if i use an ident ("enum") in place of that eid, then i just get nil:
(d/entity db [:rule/algo+expr [:rule.algo/regex "XXX"]])
(d/pull db '[*] :rule.algo/regex)
=> #:db{:id 17592186045417, :ident :rule.algo/regex}


Erm. That seems like it should work. Let me look into it

👍 4

in my specific use-case, i think i can use a keyword instead of a ref, but it still looks like a bug and i suspect there are legitimate use-cases which might want to do this


hmmm... im still not sure about how the lookup-ref should look like 😕 im getting this error, when I'm trying to transact:

{:txn/id txn-id
 :txn/matches [[:rule/algo+expr [:regex expr]]]}

Execution error (Exceptions$IllegalArgumentExceptionInfo) at datomic.error/arg (error.clj:79).
:db.error/not-an-entity Unable to resolve entity: [:rule/algo+expr [:regex "XXXX"]] in datom [-9223301668109555930 :txn/matches [:rule/algo+expr [:regex "XXXX"]]]


where :txn/matches is

{:db/ident       :txn/matches
    :db/valueType   :db.type/ref
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}


lookup ref works when using the datom style:

(tx [[:db/add "x" :txn/id 1]
       [:db/add "x" :txn/matches [:rule/algo+expr [:regex "XXX"]]]])
but fails with :db.error/not-an-entity Unable to resolve entity: :regex when using the entity-map style
(tx [{:txn/id      1
        :txn/matches [:rule/algo+expr [:regex "XXX"]]}])


(at least when the tuple attr's 1st element is a keyword, not a ref)


for the card-many you need an extra [] around it


hm. or maybe not


whats’ the schema definition of :rule/algo+expr


{:db/ident       :rule/algo+expr
    :db/valueType   :db.type/tuple
    :db/tupleAttrs  [:rule/algo :rule/expr]
    :db/unique      :db.unique/identity
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}


and yes, i've tried with and without and extra bracket and it works both ways when using entity-map style and only works without when using datom-style, which is quite logical


it looks like that :rule.algo/regex is treated just as a scalar (keyword) type


my schema looks like this:

{:db/ident       :rule/algo
    :db/valueType   :db.type/ref
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}

   {:db/ident :rule.algo/regex}
   {:db/ident :rule.algo/substr}

   {:db/ident       :rule/expr
    :db/valueType   :db.type/string
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}

   {:db/ident       :rule/algo+expr
    :db/valueType   :db.type/tuple
    :db/tupleAttrs  [:rule/algo :rule/expr]
    :db/unique      :db.unique/identity
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}


in the example from the docs ( there is this txn:

[{:reg/course [:course/id "BIO-101"]
  :reg/semester [:semester/year+season [2018 :fall]]
  :reg/student [:student/email ""]}] 
where :fall is one of the tupleAttrs, but its type is just :db.type/keyword
{:db/ident :semester/season
  :db/valueType :db.type/keyword
  :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}


the same doc page further down says:

### External keys
All entities in a database have an internal key, the entity id. You can use :db/unique to define an attribute to represent an external key.
An entity may have any number of external keys.
External keys must be single attributes, *multi-attribute keys are not supported*.


Well, that's not exactly true anymore bc of tuples


ok, then i understood it correctly


since we are talking about tuples, i've also noticed that datomic-free doesn't support tuple value types. is it going to be updated or tuples are a pro-only feature?


I have asked Cognitect regarding this issue. The answer was that they don’t plan to add features to the free edition at the moment.

👍 8

You can use the Starter Edition, which is also free.


sure, it's just a bit more troublesome to download for a team, which is just about to learn datomic aaand clojure at the same time... from me...


I know and I also don’t like it. It would be good to write a mail to <mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]>, explaining your situation. Doing so may help to change things.


What would you propose as an alternative? I'm not sure how could the situation be improved. It's an awesome technology, so I understand why Cognitect is keeping it on a short leash... The client lib is downloadable without hassle at least.


I would be happy with the free version too, btw, but since I've diligently read thru the last 3 years of changelogs and learnt about the tuple support, now I want it badly :) But I guess I might just step back a bit and use txn functions to implement composite keys, like 3 years ago...


Without free edition makes harder to have awesome tools like and Also harder to convince people to use/learn it. It goes from "way easier to configure then SQL: just add the dependency and use it" to "oh you will need to crete a account, add a custom repo and it's credentials. You cannot commit your credential. Then you will have access to one year of updates"... 😞


Which process - I guess - acts as a filter or throttle and only seriously interested ppl bother with using Datomic


I agree, it's a pity, but I'm still very grateful that Datomic exists at all :)


I was also pleased to see that tools.deps takes the ~/.m2/settings.xml file into account and it's even explained how to separate your login credentials from the per-project maven repo settings in your deps.edn


All this info is a little too scattered and requires a lot of background knowledge and I feel bad about it, because I have to explain all these quirks to my colleagues too. I'm sure they will ask "how am i supposed to discover all this on my own" and they will feel insecure if I have to tell them that they indeed would have a hard time doing this alone...


Im planning to have datascript around too, so they can quickly experiment, but I'm not sure how different is it from Datomic, coz I never used it...


Datascript had used datomic-free to check if it implement's some features/behavior close to datomic unfortunately it can't be done with new datomic features... non-free datomic is about kill it's small community 😞 (yes, I as previously peer and now a cloud consumer REALLY sad with it)


why so sad about the cloud version?


Despite working in a prime region of a Brazilian capital, I have many issues with my(all available in my region) ISP. I already lost many days of work due no-internet-connection at the beginning of my current project, i used datomic-client-memdb to work offline and datomock to create/reuse test cenarios After the last datomic update, everything was broken. I needed to re-write my test cenarios and I'm unable to work offline Also, moving from datomic-client-memdb to "client proxy", my deftest goes from 0.1ms to 10s. "run all tests" from 1m to 10m (and it FAIL when my internet goes down)


@onetom have you researched datahike? This might be a good middle-ground for your students. I’ve been considering switching to it myself for all the same pains that @U2J4FRT2T is feeling, and the fact that it’s open source. Datomic appears entirely uninterested in fostering a community, and so my long-term bet is on something like datahike.

👍 4

No, I have not encountered datahike yet. Thx for putting it on my radar! I also have issues with my internet connectivity (I live on Lamma island in Hong Kong and only get a 0.5-3Mbit/s usually)...

👍 4

This issue is also known. The last update to the free edition is about one year old.


@zach.charlop.powers @alexmiller u were talking about data modeling the other day. what's your take on Hodur?;t=1120s

Alex Miller (Clojure team)14:10:27

sorry, don't know anything about it


regardless, thank you for strangeloop! i've learnt immense amounts from it.


I haven’t used it but I’ll take a look. thanks @onetom


Is there a way to bind a whole datom to a logic variable in a query? Something similar to :as, e.g. :where [[?e ?a ?v :as ?datom]]. I’m looking for an alternative to d/filter given its unavailability in Cloud, and am thinking that I could use rules in order to simulate its effect.


[(tuple ?a ?b ?c) ?datom] [(valid? $ ?a ?b ?c)] Not sure about performance


Ah tuple, I kept trying to destructure with []. Still running into this tho:

"[?a ?v ?e] not bound in expression clause: [(tuple ?e ?a ?v) ?datom]"


tuple is a new feature from datomic. from the last release


[(valid? $ ?datom)] *


Thanks @U2J4FRT2T, I got a few queries working. You can actually bind the tuple components first before aggregating them, which allows for unification to work in both directions, e.g.

:in $ % ?user
[?e ?a ?v ?tx ?op]
[(tuple ?e ?a ?v ?tx ?op) ?datom]
(authorized? ?datom ?user)
Performance is probably less than ideal tho, like you mentioned.


you can use [?a :db/ident] to avoid "full db scan" error

👍 4

Related to the above, how big of a bribe is required to get d/filter support in Cloud? 😜 Would be such an amazing way to handle authorization in Ion applications. I can imagine filtering the database per user request based on some authorization rules, which would prevent one from needing to enforce those rules ad-hoc all over the system.

👍 8

if i have card-many attribute, how can i constrain my results based on its cardinality? (something like the HAVING clause in SQL)? the one stackoverflow article i found on this topic recommends nested queries

(d/q '[:find [(pull ?e [* {:txn/matches [*]}]) ...]
              :with ?e
              [?e :txn/matches ?m]
              [(count ?m) ?matches]
              [(< 1 ?matches)]])


another option is d/datoms with a bounded-count for this simple case, anything harder needs a subquery because you cannot perform aggregation before the :find stage