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how to limit search for a particular day? I have field in the entity with type :db.type/instant.


@kalaneje you can (d/q '[:find ?id :in $ ?limit :where [_ :user/id ?id ?tx] [?tx :db/txInstant ?inst] [(> ?inst ?limit)]] db #inst"...") Will return all user-id's that was transacted before #inst".."


I'm currently at a client using a very old Datomic version (0.8.4138) - and was wondering how I should go about updating. Could I safely bump the transactor version while staying on the old client API? Or the other way around? Or do I need to time it exactly to upgrade both at the same time?


Normally you can update peer and txor versions in any order except in the cases mentioned here


However that version is so old I recommend a backup, shutdown, upgrade, and restore if you can get away with it


Thanks, that makes sense. :thumbsup:


If I have a Datomic Cloud system that I am not currently using do I just stop the instances of the system + bastion to prevent being charged for it or do I need to do anything else, like delete the stack?

Joe Lane19:10:54

@markbastian modify the autoscaling group by setting 0 min instances and 0 desired instances on both the bastion and other nodes. That will bring them all down. It wont save all the cost because you're still paying for storage of existing data, but it's as cheap as I think you can get.

👍 4

and @markbastian if you want to get rid of the storage cost etc and totally remove datomic you can follow this doc