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... if I am using Datomic Cloud, can I inspect/unsder stand its performance charataristics using AWS X-Ray?
Has Datomic incorporated X-Ray into Cloud or Ions?
@briancabbott if you use pedestal as your web server then you can use the open-tracing sample, although that doesn’t save to x-ray. I want to do the same thing. I’m planning to use the aws client to save spans in my Ion code
thank you @steveb8n
Hi Folks. We have an old datomic/cassandra cluster and are seeing some weird behavior. We're using to export a csv. It's working for most tables but not for a few very small reference tables. This is probably not enough info, so please let me know what other details I should provide. Appreciate any and all help!
What is a "table"? what does "working" and "not-working" look like? (i.e. what is your get vs expect?)
Ah, yes. We definitely are new to datomic
A particular set of attributes
are empty? I suppose? when we see that they are populated if we check the entity id
are you seeing rows in the csv you don't expect to see, or with unexpected results, or...?
No we're seeing no rows
I think we have a way around it using the ui...
you will then get only those entities with any of those attributes. if no entities have any assertions on those attributes, you will get no rows
if you don't supply an "include" argument, you're going to get every entity with any attribute, plus you're going to eat a lot of memory while it figures out what those entities are
thanks favila!