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Has anyone else run into the issue of their first call to an web service ion timing out, while the rest work fine?


Yeah, I was thinking it was something along those lines. Is that a common thing for ions? I haven't seen anyone specifically discussing cold starts with ions, so I wasn't sure if I was doing something weird or if it was expected behavior. Thanks for the links!


Sorry, I don't use Ions in particular. Many AWS Lambda users use hacks to keep their Lambdas warm -- often that is managed by the serverless framework you're using ( I wonder if Ions does or ought to do something similar


Yeah, I had this impression that ions had a way around the cold start. Thanks for the help!

👍 4
Joe Lane16:04:12

@U054BUGT4 What we have done at work is create a cloudwatch event that passes some json to the lambda function to keep it warm once per minute. It’s pretty trivial to implement.


Perfect, that sounds like exactly what I need. I thought I might be missing some obvious datomic specific thing (or that my ion had something wrong with how I set it up. Thanks!


I am using Datomic Cloud ions. I have keys in the SSM, and I am using the code in the documentation to retrieve those parameters. I am getting an error "Too many results" when trying it locally or after a push. The thing is, it used to work. Any thoughts?


I have reduced the failure to this line

(ion/get-params {:path "/datomic-shared/dev/stackz-dev/"})


The parameters appear in the SSM.


I'm running across a similar issue this afternoon when using Omniconf to populate our config. I'm not seeing a "too many results" error, though one could be masked by the Omniconf SSM code: we're just not getting values populated from SSM. In our case, too, nothing has changed in the config either in the SSM parameter store or in our config-calling code. In our case we're in us-west-2.


SSM has a max limit of 10 parameters to load into Datomic. I wrote a workaround to load all the parameters into my Clojure call from SSM.


Interesting. Do you have a reference for this issue? Where this limit is documented?


Fixed the Omniconf issue. The AWS API returns 10 parameters and a NextToken value when there are more.


SSM has a max limit of 10 parameters to load into Datomic. I wrote a workaround to load all the parameters into my Clojure call from SSM.