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Question about setting up Datomic Cloud. If everything is setup in your own account with CloudFormation templates, how is the instance usage for billing monitored? I’ve set it up in two different accounts and noticed the cloudformation templates are exactly the same. Are the instances communicating with the marketplace?


This is handled via AWS marketplace internal monitoring. The AMI itself has marketplace-related modifications that allow them to bill hourly


for any more specifics about that you’d have to look at marketplace docs and/or support

👍 5

'lo all. I'm back at trying to help a colleague use ions on Windows with IntelliJ/Cursive. AFAICT, deploying ions requires using the command line clj tool and, which isn't supported on Windows. Does anyone have experience with such a setup?


My current strategy is to use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and run clj there. That works (i.e., we've successfully gotten a REPL running in WSL using clj). The next trick is connecting from Cursive to a repl started from a WSL repl. From what I can tell, the "remote" option from Cursive expects an nREPL connection, not a socket repl connection, so when I've attempted to create a "remote" REPL connection from Cursive, it hangs with "Connecting to remote nREPL server". (I have been able to successfully connect to the clj-repl from Emacs.) Any suggestions or pointers most welcome!


I would ask in #cursive if someone knows how to connect to the built-in socket repl


Yeah, I've already cross-posted.


Cool, why not just start an nrepl from clj ?


That's an idea. @U0CJ19XAM brought up as well, which I was able to get working.


.@U0567Q30W confirmed tubular is the way to go until he provides native support.


is it possible to have :find return an associative data structure rather than a tuple (i.e., to provide "keys" for the values being returned) ?


is the answer a "map specification pattern" for the pull expression?


for anyone reading along at home, another way (which I ended up going with) is to have: [(hash-map :key-1 ?val :key-2 ?val2) ?your-map-name] as one of your where clauses and then just :find the ?your-map-name (where ?val and ?val2 are the products of other clauses).