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Should I see cast/dev in Cloudwatch Logs? Both cast/alert and cast/event come though okay. Perhaps "fine-grained logging to troubleshoot a problem during development" implies that it's not something which isn't intended to be logged after deployment.
> NOTE Configuring a destination for cast/dev when running in Datomic Cloud is currently not supported.
anyone else experiencing a problem where Datomic Cloud insists on version 0.1.23 of com.cognitect/s3-creds but that version isn't found in any maven repos when running locally. local run works fine with 0.1.22. if i try pushing and deploying 0.1.22, after getting the warning that my 0.1.22 was overridden by the cloud's 0.1.23 version, it gets stuck in ValidateService
(times out after 5 minutes).
[this is with a fresh project created in the last few days following the latest templates and advices per the Getting Started guide]
@johanatan Are you using s3-creds directly?
is your Ion doing something with another AWS lib of some sort? or are you just trying the basic ion tutorial?
here's the ns form for my code:
(ns core
(:require [datomic.client.api :as d]
[datomic.client.api.async :as da]
[aleph.http :as http]
[manifold.deferred :as deferred]
[manifold.time :as mt]
[ :as st]
[byte-streams :as bs]
[ :as json]
[clj-time.core :as t]
[clj-time.local :as l]
[clj-time.format :as f]
[clj-time.coerce :as c]
[com.rpl.specter :as s]))
not that it matters overly much, but you can set the Java thread stack size per my last comment on that ^ thread
I suspect youâre hitting a thread stack overflow given the largeish set of dependencies you listed there
Also, even if the thread size tweak fixes this, how can I get 0.1.23 locally? Do I need to add another repo?
@johanatan Did you look in your CloudFormation logs for your datomic stack to see the specific error responsible for the failure? i suspect itâs the stack overflow
I have three stacks (two are nested under the first): datomic, datomic-Compute-XXX, and datomic-StorageXXX. all three are in CREATE_COMPLETE state and have never had an "UPDATE" attempted on them.
How does one get the âbasis tâ value of a db returned by since
? The value of :t
that I see is equivalent to the :t
of the current database.
@johanatan Sorry I meant CloudWatch logs