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An audit/accounting firm has approached us looking for a centralized alternative to Blockchain, and my first thought has been Datomic (immutability). I have shallow understanding of Blockchain, so do you have links/use cases where Datomic could solve what Blockchain does. Thanks in advance.


I think a centralized blockchain defeats it’s purpose, it’s then just a database and as such, Datomic would be a good option. Namely due to immutability as you yourself mention

👍 8

If distributed / trustless control is not a requirement, there's probably hardly any use case than won't be better served by Datomic than by a blockchain


Note that immutability is not a particularly exotic need in data management - most use cases need it, but most people are just accustomed to accepting the fact that traditional databases don't match this need very well

👍 12

We stopped overriding our production code by FTPing the source to the server without version control systems. Maybe we will stop doing that for our data too 🙂

😂 8

haha, well put. Don't you miss those days though?


"give me all accounts whose order values sum up to more than $1000" Is that a thing you can do with a single query? Can I aggregate values directly in the where clause to be used in a subsequent predicate?


I would use a nested query for that @idiomancy


oh, okay TIL


huh, I see, basically by calling a query from within the query itself, you're ensuring the work is done directly on the read peer.

Dustin Getz17:11:10

Blockchain and Datomic both run compute in the application, so you can query them together!


I think I need some dots connected on that one


I think that was related to an earlier question

Peter Wilkins18:11:53

Hi all, I’m using on-prem and trying to find a way to automate deleting a db on dev so I can restore from prod daily backup. I do this manually with the repl shipped with datomic. Running a script with ansible would be perfect. Feels like overkill to create a clojure project just for this small task. any suggestions?

👍 4

Is there a way to get the SHA or uname of the deployed Ions on a Datomic system?


Q: are we able to use Clojure v1.10 in an Ions project? What controls which versions we can use?