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@dfcarpenter have you looked at the mbrainz db?
@eoliphant I will take a look
How do I turn off the logging in the repl when running datomic?
(.setLevel (org.slf4j.LoggerFactory/getLogger "datomic") ch.qos.logback.classic.Level/WARN)
may do it
@dfcarpenter Datomic on-prem? You can edit your logback.xml
to adjust level and logger target
Can I check if an input has a specific attribute - That is give entity ?e as input arg and return ?match if attribute ?e :whatever
Where (= ?match ?e)
did you figure out what you need here? I’m not exactly sure what you’re going for, but I think you can do it more simply than by using the ‘=’ predicate
I want do something like (d/q '[:find [?match ...] :in $ [?e] :where [?e :schema/type :logger] [(= ?e ?match)])
It can be done in an easier way just by using d/entity
and filter
, but still?
can be used to force the var
What does it mean when a peer logs at INFO "datomic.kv-cluster: {:event :kv-cluster/get-pod-meta, :pod-key "...", ...} with the same pod-key lots and lots and lots of times in a row?
Has anyone found a preferred way to compose or at least parameterize pull expressions in queries? I find using syntax quote to be a bit awkward, because of the need to var-unquote all of the other symbols in the query with ~'
I was doing this for a while with clojure.walk/postwalk. Just something like (clojure.walk/postwalk #(get params % %) expr)
, and then you can replace some symbol with a value.
Of course, use rules first, if you can. And pass extra parameters to q
and bind with :in
. if you can.
Thanks for all of the replies. I think I’ll try the postwalk approach. This may be a bad idea, but I’m thinking of using a symbol prefixed with !
(e.g. !customer-with-address
) and postwalk to replace those from a params list
You can just pass pull expressions as inputs to your query: (d/q ‘[:find (pull ?attr my-pull) . :in $ my-pull :where [:db.part/db :db.install/attribute ?attr]] $ [’* :db/doc])