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hi, is there a limitation for number of databases in single datomic cloud system?


I'd also like to know this limit.


@U11FG9Z7Z and @U0510KXTU there is no fixed limit, but the thought (and testing) is around a fairly small number


i.e. database per customer would be a problem for most customer bases


Where would the limit (if there was one) impact a design decision?


I considered 1 per customer but avoided it after thinking it through. For me this was just for interests sake so no effects on my design


I’m thinking about having a database per customer (each customer has multiple users, so i’m talking about up to a thousand databases per system). It will simplify things like moving customer data between systems (for example when moving a customer from US region to EU region) or removing customer’s data from the system.


Agreed. 1 per customer makes org delete easier. I'm betting that there will be a better excision solution (in cloud) in future to address this. If delete could be done easily, would you still choose 1 db per customer? I'm curious


It would be still simpler to have db per customer for moving between systems.


Is on-prem ok with java9+? I finally got around to updating my dev environment from jdk8 to 11 and im getting netty illegal reflection warnings with datomic free on startup


If you scroll up, you’ll see that a couple of us have discovered a substantive problem with standard datomic peers in jdk10 running at least against a dev mode transactor. I have yet to confirm the problem against a production transactor, or to reduce the problem to a simple test case, alas.


Ooph thats disheartening. Thanks


It’s worth noting that we could be outliers and Cognitect is committed to on-prem moving forward, so you may want to have a conversation with their sales or support folk!


Curious, how do you know Cognitect is commited to on-prem?


Is there a way to pass and the ion-config map as a data structure and not have them implicitly read it in from a classpath location?


@U083D6HK9 no -- the config map becomes part of the deployed artifact, so reproducibility would take a hit if was in a command


We generate the ion-config.edn dynamically based on our system configuration so the Ion config is not checked into version control. Not sure how reproducibility takes a hit.


I'm just starting out with datomic local dev and trying to connect with a client in the repl. When I try to setup the connection I get the error CompilerException clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Datomic Client Exception {:cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/incorrect, :datomic.client/http-result and i'm not sure why. I have the transactor running, I created a database, and I have the peer server running as well


Realized I made a mistake when starting the peer. All good now.


Can anyone point me to open source clojure codebases which use dataomic. Im struggling to learn good schema design approaches


Hi, I'm trying to optimize a query I have. It's relatively straightforward, I have a tree-structure and a recursive rule that says for a given node, I'll match on a parent of a given type. Works fine, returns in around 30ms for a single one. I'm using a collection binding for the node id, and the response time appears to be more or less linear, which is not a big deal for a few of them, but I just ran into a test case where it needs to match ~1000 and it's taking about a minute to complete. any ideas/suggestions on speeding this up?


You can change your data shape to a flat parent child mapping (repeats data obviously) for querying


Not sure whether this applies to you, but I had tree structured data where I queried whether two nodes were in the same tree. Rephrasing it to whether two nodes have the same root made it much better.


Also, I have some super complicated queries running all together in under 18ms. They jump to 30ms when Datomic can’t cache the compiled query. This happens when (not= (hash query) (hash (read-string (pr-str query)))).


(Regular expressions are the usual culprit.)


Figured it out. One of my dev's had gotten a bit too modular with his rules lol. I rewrote it more simply, and it's 20x faster and no longer displays that linearity

👍 4