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Hi, anybody using datomic for ETL? We have a low throughput webapp, and we’d like to start collecting events for some kind of BI. We don’t need fancy lambda architecture, just a collector (eg: kafka) and an ingestor. My only concern is that we want do to some heavy-ish aggregations and I’d like to do it straight from datomic
@U0MQW27QB I do some ETL with Datomic. Often nothing more complex than a functional entry point that transforms and transacts. Do you have a particular concern?
we basically want to do slice and dice, rollups and such on the fly - we’re pretty low volume, if don’t have to design a data warehouse that would be great
@U0MQW27QB this seems totally fine. I would consider putting this stuff in its own db.
yeah we will have a source of truth in sql, then emit some events, and ingest it to datomic
I only have 1 data point for StorageGetMsec, and I'm a little confused by that. Shouldn't it be triggered fairly regularly? Does Memcache have an effect on this metric?
@U09LZR36F caching is multi-layered, check out
I didn't understand the difference between storage and object, that clears it up, that's!
question on ions: is it a good idea to handle asynchronous workloads on the datomic cluster (with core.async). the use case is: based on some update in the database, another HTTP api needs to be called. the process initiating the db update should not wait on the HTTP response of the other API. I think I can use vars or atoms to keep references to channels so the core.async machinery doesn't get garbage-collected. Are there any issues with this approach? Or is it better to hand-off this functionality to a physical queue, with e.g. lamba's processing the queue (which is quite a different level of operational complexity 🙂 )?
@U0539NJF7 I think you could do either. If your async work becomes compute intensive, it might interfere with our standard advice on scaling, since the async work would be invisible to our metrics
but you would have choices at that point, including scaling on your own metric, and (as always) isolating the workload on specific processes
Hi! Here in Magnet we’ve played a bit with awesome Conformity migration library by @avey_q. However we’ve had some issues with transactions getting reapplied unexpectedly so we’ve developed a simplified, atomicity-compliant version of it. We haven’t explored Ragtime by @weavejester yet, but in case it’s useful for some of you, there it is lying.
hello…im having a strange (but probably simple PEBCAC) problem with unique identities. I have a transaction that includes something like:
[{:db/id pid :person/email email}
{:db/id mid :club/member pid}]
the error I get is:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: :db.error/not-a-data-function Unable to resolve data function: :db/id
@ghaskins what’s the exact data you are transacting when you get that error? that’s usually caused by missing a seq wrapper around the tx-data
i.e. (d/transact conn {:tx-data [your-data-here]})
instead of (d/transact conn {:tx-data your-data-here})
is anyone aware of a library that enables something similar to pull expressions but for EDN data?
hmm, seems like this maybe
@marshall in this case, its happening inside a txn-function, so harder to get the exact set its using
the txn-fcn was returning a sequence in the initial case and a map (with one :db/id it it) for the update case
@spieden This is also worth checking out
@spieden and perhaps, although it's probably overkill for parsing just EDN.
I'm looking at upgrading Datomic cloud and have a couple of questions: (a) I'm unsure of whether a system has been upgraded before, so I'm trying to determine whether I should follow the First Upgrade path. (b) If it is a First Upgrade, it tears down the stack and creates a new one with "Reuse existing storage on create" set to True. Both "Upgrade" and this setting imply that existing data will be preserved. Is this correct?
hi @U0EHU1800 It is always safe to do a first upgrade
Any and all upgrades are data safe.
Thanks for confirming @U072WS7PE . Perhaps it's just me being overly cautious. Is that explicitly documented somewhere? If not, I know I would have found it helpful.
it is documented (but not highlighted) at I will improve it.