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video of Stuart Halloway's TriClojure talk introducing Datomic Ions

😀 24

and I've gotten all the way to the part where you try to connect to aws from the repl


but this is what I get

user=> (def client (d/client cfg))
ExceptionInfo Unable to connect to system: #:cognitect.anomalies{:category :cognitect.anomalies/not-found, :message ": Name or service not known"}  clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4739)


I ran the socks proxy script and it says that my endpoint to the bastion is good


my endpoint key in the cfg map looks exactly like it does in the cloudformation console

Chris Bidler23:06:56

Your :system-name and :query-group values in the cfg map are both gdeer81?

Chris Bidler23:06:20

I don’t know that this would cause that problem, that’s just how I have my working REPL/socks setup set up

Chris Bidler23:06:22

question about Ions: if I run say items-by-type out of ion-starter at the REPL I get a nice pretty string with an array of arrays in it, suitable for such activities as deserializing into JSON

Chris Bidler23:06:05

when I invoke that ion as a Lambda, however, I get a nice pretty string that is the first string wrapped in a hashset (e.g., "#{[[...stuff...]]}")

Chris Bidler23:06:35

This presents a problem if I want to then deserialize the result of a Lambda execution somewhere. Is that extra #{...} wrapper Lambda the Ultimate’s doing? Is there a way to “turn it off”?

Chris Bidler23:06:03

(apologies if this is answered in the video above, which I haven’t gotten a chance to watch. Stupid linear time!)


didn't realize you were asking me if the sys name and query were the same, thought you were asking me why


Right, which is gdeer81


then I realized I haven't posted the config map


{:server-type :ion,
 :region "us-west-2",
 :system "gdeer81",
 :query-group "gdeer81",
 :endpoint ""}

Chris Bidler23:06:43

the helpful Slack message is coming from inside the house! 😄


Can you run the aws cli command shown in the docs that lists system names


aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag-key,Values=datomic:tx-group" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].[Tags[?Key==`datomic:system`].Value]' --output text


aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag-key,Values=datomic:tx-group" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[Tags[?Key==datomic:system`].Value]' --output text`


gary@pop-os:~/Downloads$ aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag-key,Values=datomic:tx-group" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[Tags[?Key==`datomic:system`].Value]' --output text