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Released Datomock v0.2.1. Fixed a bug causing d/transact to throw instead of returning a failed ListenableFuture, which means that you could typically see some errors in development and not see them in production. Thanks @tony.kay for spotting this.

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hello! does anyone have any experience with migrations in datomic cloud? i've been using conformity for on-prem but it seems that the library doesn't support client API šŸ˜ž

Chris Bidler13:06:22

Question about the Ions starter project: should you expect to have to push your ions before you can develop against them locally?

Chris Bidler13:06:55

Iā€™m getting an error about datomic/ion-starter.edn not being on the classpath and I see it both in my REPL and in the log output from my Cloud instance:

Chris Bidler13:06:02

datomic-datomic-cloud-appsync datomic-cloud-appsync-datomic-cloud-appsync-Compute-AKGO1YKWH8U7-i-0a275b66a345e2502-2018-06-09-17-06-06- {"Msg":"ClientSPIAnomaly","DatomicClientSpiErrorResponse":{"Status":200,"Body":{"CognitectAnomaliesCategory":"CognitectAnomaliesNotFound","CognitectAnomaliesMessage":"'datomic\/ion-config.edn' is not on the classpath"}},"Type":"Event","Tid":361,"Timestamp":1529069275190}
datomic-datomic-cloud-appsync datomic-cloud-appsync-datomic-cloud-appsync-Compute-AKGO1YKWH8U7-i-0a275b66a345e2502-2018-06-09-17-06-06- {"Msg":"AdopterCheck","DbId":"c4f19984-b350-4a1e-94de-5368e4b26b12","Type":"Event","Tid":382,"Timestamp":1529069276364}

Chris Bidler13:06:07

which makes me think maybe you have to push ā€¦first? Maybe you have to push an ā€œempty projectā€ so that the ion-config.edn file exists in the Cloud instance, and then you can develop against your local one? I find this confusing.


@chris_johnson the file is read locally. deploy will upload the necessary files to s3


did you create a datomic/ion-starter.edn file?

Chris Bidler13:06:12

hm. thatā€™s confusing but in a different and more-manageable way

Chris Bidler13:06:56

I sure did, itā€™s right next to ion-config-sample.edn and the only difference between the two is that I added my system name

Chris Bidler13:06:03

I restarted my REPL too

Chris Bidler13:06:32

and deps.edn does have {:paths ["src" "resources"] in it


how are you starting your REPL?


where are you getting that error? in local repl (when you do what)?

Chris Bidler13:06:49

well, so I do have one other thing going on which I suppose will end up being the problem somehow, though I donā€™t see how: I added CIDER to my deps like so:

Chris Bidler13:06:51

cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version "0.18.0-SNAPSHOT"}
        refactor-nrepl {:mvn/version "2.4.0-SNAPSHOT"}

Chris Bidler13:06:42

and I start the REPL with clj and then (require 'cider-nrepl.main) and (cider-nrepl.main/init ["cider.nrepl/cider-middleware"])

Chris Bidler13:06:14

and I am C-c C-e evalā€™ing this: (items-by-type* (d/db (get-connection)) :hat)


are you trying to invoke the ion on a Cloud instance before youā€™ve done a push?

Chris Bidler13:06:00

that was the substance of my initial, poorly-worded question


you would need to push before you can invoke it remotely


push and deploy

Chris Bidler13:06:40

so you can do truly local development (e.g., handing a map into a fn) in isolation, but in order to exercise something that uses get-connection you have to push and deploy that first

šŸ‘ 4
Chris Bidler13:06:41

that makes sense now that I know it, but it wasnā€™t clear to me from the way the starter docs order things. Thanks for clearing it up. As you might guess from my log message above, my Friday Me Timeā„¢ today is all about getting an Ion or two working with AppSync and writing it up for others to see. Onward and upward! šŸ˜„


Cool. glad that makes sense now


get-connection is not part of Datomic Cloud, but if it uses :server-type :ion you can dev locally without :push


also cider et al should not be in your production deps? just under e.g. :dev alias

Chris Bidler13:06:37

so, I do in fact have :server-type :ion set up and Iā€™m using the get-connection -> ensure-dataset -> get-client machinery in the starter project

Chris Bidler13:06:19

I guess based on my reading of the docs I would have expected to be able to exercise all the ions in the project locally against the Cloud instance over the SOCKS proxy (which is running)

Chris Bidler13:06:38

ensure-dataset appears to have transacted schema and data to the Cloud instance

Chris Bidler13:06:40

and thanks for the pointer about :dev - this is my first time trying out a tools.deps based project so I took the bull-in-a-china-shop approach and said ā€œoh look, a dependencies array! Iā€™ll just leave these hereā€ šŸ˜„

Chris Bidler13:06:16

I want to learn Ions now and will go back and learn tools.deps in more depth after I have my blog post written hehe

Chris Bidler13:06:03

I do get the same error from the stock clj REPL too:

Chris Bidler13:06:05

user=> (in-ns 'datomic.ion.starter)
datomic.ion.starter=> (items-by-type* (d/db (get-connection)) :hat)
ExceptionInfo 'datomic/ion-config.edn' is not on the classpath  clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4739)


@chris_johnson is that error from the Cloud or the local REPL?

Chris Bidler14:06:08

I think the problem is actually right here: > I want to learn Ions now and will go back and learn tools.deps in more depth after I have my blog post written hehe


what does ( "datomic/ion-config.edn") tell you?

Chris Bidler14:06:36

I was running clj without -Rdev and so Iā€™m 99% sure I was running without ion-dev loaded at all

Alex Miller (Clojure team)14:06:45

should -R:dev btw (although -Rdev works right now)

Chris Bidler14:06:13

Iā€™m a few seconds away from apologizing for wasting yours and Marshallā€™s coffee break


the error message was on point šŸ™‚

Chris Bidler14:06:18

hm, well I still get that error so that wasnā€™t it

Chris Bidler14:06:31

Itā€™s being reported by the local REPL but is also showing up in the Cloud logs:

Chris Bidler14:06:34

datomic-datomic-cloud-appsync datomic-cloud-appsync-datomic-cloud-appsync-Compute-AKGO1YKWH8U7-i-0a275b66a345e2502-2018-06-09-17-06-06- {"Msg":"ClientSPIAnomaly","DatomicClientSpiErrorResponse":{"Status":200,"Body":{"CognitectAnomaliesCategory":"CognitectAnomaliesNotFound","CognitectAnomaliesMessage":"'datomic\/ion-config.edn' is not on the classpath"}},"Type":"Event","Tid":357,"Timestamp":1529072273749}

Chris Bidler14:06:18

to answer your question:

user=> ( "datomic/ion-config.edn")
#object[ 0x73a19967 "file:/Users/chris/src/ion-starter/resources/datomic/ion-config.edn"]

Chris Bidler14:06:38

and slurping that does show the contents I would expect to see in the file, including a valid value for :app-name


So now one can do private services with Ions

Chris Bidler14:06:33

yeah, thatā€™s going to be Bigā„¢ - Iā€™m sure lots of peopleā€™s Friday is figuring out how to use that to pull a bunch of their service API surface ā€œinside the wireā€


@chris_johnson did you edit the client map in ion/starter.clj ?


if youā€™re going to do local dev, youā€™ll need to set up that map

Chris Bidler14:06:19

okay, so this appears to be working:

Chris Bidler14:06:27

Clojure 1.9.0
(def cfg {:server-type :ion
                       :region "us-east-2"
                       :system "datomic-cloud-appsync"
                       :query-group "datomic-cloud-appsync"
                       :endpoint ""
                       :proxy-port 8182})
user=> (require '[datomic.client.api :as d])
user=> (def client (d/client cfg))
user=> (def conn (d/connect client {:db-name "datomic-docs-tutorial"}))
(defn create-item
  "Transaction fn that creates data to make a new item"
  [db sku size color type]
  [{:inv/sku sku
    :inv/color (keyword color)
    :inv/size (keyword size)
    :inv/type (keyword type)}])
user=> (create-item (d/db conn) "test-001" "large" "blue" "shirt")
[#:inv{:sku "test-001", :color :blue, :size :large, :type :shirt}]

Chris Bidler14:06:04

(note that this is just mechanically copying into the REPL the very same config map and fn def that exist in the local source file)


@chris_johnson pretty sure @marshall was right at the beginning


you cannot call a query function that you haven't deployed


you can dev and test it directly, e.g.


(datomic.ion.starter/feature-item? db some-e)


but not inside a query as items-by-type* does


we probably could use more pictures describing the dev workflow

Chris Bidler14:06:48

right, that makes sense and tracks with the next thing I tried, which was to defn feature-item? in #'user and re-`defn` items-by-type* to use that

Chris Bidler14:06:09

which yields ExceptionInfo Unable to resolve symbol: feature-item? in this context clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4739)

Chris Bidler14:06:07

that all makes perfect sense and for the record I was 100% sure at every point that one of the two of you was right and I was doing something incorrectly šŸ˜‡

Chris Bidler15:06:36

hopefully your efforts to help an under-caffeinated neophyte will persist in the logs long enough to help someone else. Thanks, as always, for being so willing to spend time in here working through issues.


I am afraid my contribution here was net negative. Sorry @marshall and @chris_johnson


it was also correct, just not for this specific context i think

Chris Bidler15:06:42

I agree, I think at least for me there was value in having you both assert the correct things you did and then having to convince myself they were true at the REPL. As I find often to be the case, coming at something with a half-correct mental model and a thoroughly-broken code example, with a couple of willing experts to offer advice, has taught me much more than just having the tutorial work right the first time ever would have.


well. one expert and one pretender.


iā€™ll let @stuarthalloway interpret that as he sees fit šŸ˜‰

Chris Bidler15:06:47

and indeed, as a final check before deploying anything, reloading starter.clj with this form of items-by-type* does work at the REPL (and in CIDER for that matter):

(defn items-by-type*
  "Returns info about items matching type"
  [db type]
  (d/q '[:find ?sku ?size ?color #_?featured
         :in $ ?type
         [?e :inv/type ?type]
         [?e :inv/sku ?sku]
         [?e :inv/size ?size]
         [?e :inv/color ?color]
         #_[(datomic.ion.starter/feature-item? $ ?e) ?featured]]
       db type))

Chris Bidler15:06:27

Completely unrelated question while youā€™re (maybe) still reading, @marshall - does the Peer library log anything about its use of memcached? Not the transactorā€™s CloudWatch metrics but the Peer library. Iā€™m moving a service from Heroku to AWS and it doesnā€™t seem to be using the shiny new Elasticache cluster I set up for it, even though it was making use of Memcachier in Heroku. I tried turning the datomic logger in our logback.xml up to ā€DEBUGā€ but I still donā€™t see any telemetry I can use to figure out What I Did Wrong


Yes, the peer lib will report memcache metrics as well


you need to specify the memcached server address as a command line arg

Chris Bidler15:06:17

Yes, we do that

Chris Bidler15:06:15

It will report metrics? Like, CloudWatch metrics or logging statements?


do you have peer metrics enabled?


youā€™d need to have a metrics callback enabled


you could use println if you just want them locally in a repl, or you can write (or use a community) wrapper to push them to CloudWatch


i.e. something like this **I havenā€™t used that specifically and canā€™t officially endorse it, but that should give you an idea

Chris Bidler15:06:57

No, I donā€™t believe we have a callback handler set

Chris Bidler15:06:31

I was expecting to find stuff in the console logs because I am a bad person who doesnā€™t read documentation, apparently

Chris Bidler15:06:37

I will try that, thanks!


if you have logging enabled (i.e. logback or something) you will likely see them there too


iā€™d suggest looking at the logs when you start up the app - it should record some details about the datomic config and creating the memcached connection


again, assuming your peer lib logging is enabled

Chris Bidler15:06:13

it should be and the fellow who set this up in Heroku in the long-long ago claims that heā€™s seen useful peer logging in the past by changing the same value I did in our logback.xml but I have not seen with my own eyes proof that this is true


hrm. you should just need to have logback.xml on your classpath and logback in your project deps

Chris Bidler15:06:24

yeah, we do - just knowing that it should be logging something at startup is enough for me to chew on


Is there a way to get the datomic-socks-proxy to persist across laptop sleeps?


We had one user who made the following suggestion, I havenā€™t tested but others have and it seems to work: >I installed autossh instead and hacked the script to use this, and it is now much more stable (and survives sleeps of my laptop). I wonder whether it might be worth having the standard script check for the installation of autossh and if found, use that instead (and maybe print a message to the user if not found, before continuing with the regular ssh client). For anybody interested in my little hack, I just commented out the ssh command at the bottom of the script, and added the autossh one. Like this... #ssh -v -i $PK -CND ${SOCKS_PORT:=8182} ec2-user@${BASTION_IP} autossh -M 0 -o ā€œServerAliveInterval 5ā€ -o ā€œServerAliveCountMax 3" -v -i $PK -CND ${SOCKS_PORT:=8182} ec2-user@${BASTION_IP}


Credit to @U9HA101PY. I might copy it over to the forum as I think this is the second or third time Iā€™ve linked it.


as reduce says, would probably work as well