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anyone knows what the problem is when :db.error/not-an-attribute gets thrown?


Is there any expected situation in datomic where pulled values have a nil value? ex: (d/pull db '[*] entity-id) => {:user/sample-field nil :db/id 17592186048930}


No, except maybe using default with nil


Nice to see large facebook and netflix logos on the Datomic home page: Does anyone have more information how they are using it, e.g. related blog posts?

Ben Kamphaus16:12:46

Matt Bossenbroek at Netflix gave a talk re: use of Datomic:


Oh wow. 2015. Thanks


So I need to add integrity checking, which I can do with a transaction function. The constraints I wish to enforce I have in data - in fact, they are really just a list of datomic queries that should return no data, along with error message strings that have substitution markers in them.


I realize that someone might have already done this. Yes?


@U0ECYL0ET I don't know of any library that does that, but writing such a transaction function is probably straightforward, and speculatively checking data invariants (using db.with()) is a common way of preventing illegal writes. However, be aware that Datalog has some overhead, so you want to be careful about running such queries in the Transactor for frequent writes; you can also consider running them on the Peer.


@U0ECYL0ET that's definitely something that could be added to Datofu ( btw, I just haven't used this approach frequently enough to consider it for the lib


AFAICT, I can't do this on the peer without the possibility of race conditions allowing invalid data.


The d/with thing brings up a question that I don't think was directly addressed in the docs, though... does the db passed to a transaction function have all data available from previous :db/add and so forth from this transaction set?


No, consider a transaction as unordered and atomic


The d/with thing brings up a question that I don't think was directly addressed in the docs, though... does the db passed to a transaction function have all data available from previous :db/add and so forth from this transaction set?