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I’m designing a schema where ordered to-many relationships are a requirement. I’ve seen the various blog posts etc and that seems to suggest either 1/ component wrapper entities with :position attr, 2/ referenced/child entities with :position attribute or 3/ referenced/child entities with linked-list attributes
Does anybody have any experience or war stories from using these various techniques?
@steveb8n Datomic can’t really help because it can’t know which of these is most suited to your use-case. few vs many items, items-have-one-parent-list vs items-have-many-parent-lists both have an impact on what you do. by providing for one case, Datomic could mislead people on thinking about these concerns
@steveb8n you should ask on Stackoverflow or the mailing list, and we'll try and give you the tradeoffs
@val_waeselynck I’ve posted the question. Really appreciate any input.
Has anyone successfully created a leiningen project with dependencies for both the datomic client and ring? I've found this unresolved issue on SO relating to the exact same problem I have and can't figure out a way around it: - appears to be caused by ring and the datomic client relying on different but incompatible versions of Jetty?
@shaneprince i had issues with some AWS libs conflicting and had to add ‘[com.amazonaws/aws-java-sdk-dynamodb “1.11.0”]’ by hand to resolve it.
try running lein deps :tree to find offensive lib
in your case try to include a version of jetty that will satisfy different libs
Thanks @karol.adamiec, running lein deps :tree shows the datomic client depends on jetty-util 9.3.7.v20160115 but from my investigation ring core depends on jetty-util 7.6.8.v20121106. I'm on ring 1.6.1 which I believe is the latest version. Is it even possible to include both dependencies that each require different versions of jetty?
dont know… maybe someone else can answer that ;(
For anyone else that comes across this issue: from what I understand it looks like ring-core is using an older jetty adapter for legacy purposes. I've found a worthy replacement so far.
is the ability to compare datomic :db.type/instant
with <
documented anywhere?
@matthavener clj-time has comparison functions e.g.
@robert-stuttaford i’m more asking if the ability to use a predicate like [(< ?inst1 ?inst2)]
is documented
@matthavener and I think that is really odd that inside datalog we can
compare #inst
, and on clojure not.
so it's more a clojure
"problem", that cant compare #inst
, and datomic has a workaround to make it work internally ?
most likely they have a custom comparator for whatever sorted-datom-set data structure they made
I'm trying to
`[(my-ns/function-that-returns-function ~'?foo) ~bar]
[(~bar ~'?var1 ~'?var2) ~'?foobar]
But getting java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter declaration ?var2 should be a vector
I'm missing something? java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: ?f in this context
This is the real exception. The other exception was because I'm using fn
(on ~'bar
) keyword and it's trying to evaluate a function 😜