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@aramz I've played around with codeq and simulant but I don't have anything in production 🔥 :snowman_without_snow: 🔥
@robert-stuttaford @ustunozgur thanks, this should be able to keep me busy for a while!
Dumb question, but it’s driving me crazy. How can I stop the [Datomic Metrics Reporter] DEBUG datomic.process-monitor
messages in the repl?
Hi all, could anyone give me some techniques for building a realtime clojurescript app with datomic?
hey yall, I’m trying to use a database function and running into an issue
this function is
{:db/ident :watch/upsert
:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user]
:db/fn #db/fn
{:lang "clojure"
:params [db m]
:code (if-let [id (ffirst (d/q '[:find ?e
:in $ ?u ?w
[?e :watch/user ?u]
[?e :watch/watched ?w]]
db (:watch/user m) (:watch/watched m)))]
[(assoc m :db/id id)]
[(assoc m :db/id (d/tempid :db.part/user))])}}
I run (d/transact conn [[:watch/upsert {:watch/user 17592186045424 :watch/watched 17592186045442 :watch/scope :new-topic :watch/level watch}]])
and get an exception, "Cannot write clojure.lang.AFunction$1@397c1b95 as tag null”
has anyone else run into this? any advice?
i’m using [com.datomic/datomic-free “0.9.5344”]
oh shoot I found it
I was using an unbound symbol in the transact data
thank you all for bearing witness to my struggles
@nonrecursive quack 🙂