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Hey all, What is the preferred way to ignore certain EID’s in a query? I know before I run the query what EID’s I don’t want to include. What has better performance, a predicate in the query, or joining against a filtered database using d/filter


Test and measure.


If anyone’s interested, I found that querying the result of (d/filter) in my specific case (where my filter predicate was filtering out certain EID’s) added a large overhead to any query against it. It is much faster to run my query on an unfiltered db and either use a query predicate or filter the query results.


PM me if you’d like the repo I used, it’s quickly thrown together and specific to my use case


I'm using datomic with and would like to strip the datomic portions from the results (e.g., :db-before, :db-after, :tx-data). I just want the data results. Is there a straightforward, standard way of doing this?