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has anyone else run into an issue where entity references aren't "live" in pull results like they are in an entity?


like, the reference will print as #{db <n>} , but if I try to get any attributes from it they all return nil...


can it be that you hold an old db atom? For example, if you deref db before making a change, you'll still have an old database state in that variable.


Pretty sure that's not the issue. To be precise, I've never gotten a working reference from a pull. Maybe it's intentional, and I need to do some kind of recursive pull?


What is (type #{db <n>}) returning?


> Maybe it's intentional, and I need to do some kind of recursive pull? Yeah I think it's this. What's the code you're running? d/entity is supposed to return "live" results that can traverse the db, d/pull doesn't it just returns the data you ask of it