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I have worked through the first 4 of . I am familiar with querying. However, I'm not familiar with (1) mutating and (2) database design. What can I read to learn up on (1) and (2).
for (2), try and
for (1), all I ever needed is
Hey guys, I'm running into an error that doesn't make sense to me. I have the following function:
(defn authenticate
[username password]
(let [conn (get conns "users")]
(empty? (d/q '[:find ?e
[?e :user/username username]
[?e :user/password password]]
But, if I run this function, I get the following error:
Cannot parse clause, expected (data-pattern | pred-expr | fn-expr | rule-expr | not-clause | not-join-clause | or-clause | or-join-clause)
.function arguments do not get passed to query magically. those need to be provided to q
explicitly, and then bound to variables inside a query vector too
(defn authenticate
[username password]
(let [conn (get conns "users")]
(empty? (d/q '[:find ?e :in $ ?u ?p
[?e :user/username ?u]
[?e :user/password ?p]]
@conn username password))))
@qqq also (into {} my-entity)
works i think
but pull api is probably more "correct"
@thedavidmeister : yeah, pull api is the correct wya to go
i've been using pull a lot more recently
works better with hoplon
entities don't trigger cell propagation because of the way they do equality checks
but pull does 🙂