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Sasha V. Bogdanov18:05:14

Hi everyone. How to pass necessary for Datalevin :jvm-opts to uberjar? Is it possible?


Hi, you'll probably get more help by posting this question in #C053AK3F9.

Sasha V. Bogdanov11:05:36

Maybe, but question is Datalevin related, because I mean exactly JVM options that are necessary to run Datalevn:

:jvm-opts ["--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED"


Try :uberjar profile of your project

Sasha V. Bogdanov14:05:27

This profile looks like affects only build-time opts, but not runtime


Well, they are jvm options, so it makes sense to be available only when one starts a jvm


Looks like these are unavoidable, won’t work even we put them in modules, for the Java base module options can only be set when jvm starts

👌 1