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Bruno do Nascimento Maciel01:02:21

Hey folks! I am trying to use Datalevin on a personal project for a competition that evaluates my solution via a kind of load test over the API. I don't know what are the best practices on dealing with managing the open connection with the database. Right now I am using datalevin.core/get-conn and storing it in a atom to be used across the code when I need to interact with the Database. Is that the right approach?


It is fine for small projects. For large projects, using one of those system libraries, e. g. component, integant, etc would be recommended

Bruno do Nascimento Maciel01:02:26

Nice, I already use component, the start function call datalevin.core/get-conn and store the connection inside the component state. I only have concerns if I could have problems with the connection being closed by some motive, in that case how should I recover the connection?

Bruno do Nascimento Maciel01:02:57

When should I use datalevin.client/new-client?


You normally don’t


The library will try to automatically reconnect with the server


Assuming you are using the server.

yes 1
Bruno do Nascimento Maciel02:02:29

I made that question because I am getting some Exceptions on the server and I wasn't sure if there is a relation with the way that I am handling the connection.

Bruno do Nascimento Maciel02:02:35

Do you know what could be causing this?

clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Fail to transact to LMDB: #error {
2024-02-11T02:02:15.225280917Z                              :cause "Transaction is not in ready state" ...

Bruno do Nascimento Maciel02:02:30

Also getting some java.lang.NullPointerException in Interceptor for datalevin.db/db? while calling (d/db conn)


If you could have a reproducible case, I can take a look.


This looks like a bug.

Bruno do Nascimento Maciel09:02:38

It seems to be a concurrency problem, I am going to try to reproduce.

Bruno do Nascimento Maciel10:02:35

I am not able to isolate the bug. I can only reproduce it while running the tests with Gatling. I can provide you with the containers environment and the tests configuration so you could reproduce your machine. What do you think?


sounds good, make an issue with these?