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What is the recommended approach for transacting data with cylces? for example:

;; schema
{:user/id              {:db/valueType :db.type/keyword :db/unique :db.unique/identity}
 :user/friends         {:db/valueType :db.type/ref :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
 :user/name            {:db/valueType :db.type/string :db/unique :db.unique/identity}}
(d/transact! conn 
  [{:user/id :user-2 :user/name "user 2" :user/friends [[:user/id :user-2] [:user/id :user-1]]}
   {:user/id :user-1 :user/name "user 1" :user/friends [[:user/id :user-2]]]})
;; =>
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at datalevin.db/entid-strict (db.cljc:435).
Nothing found for entity id [:user/id :user-1]
Would you just do this with multiple transactions, insert each user without the friends and then submit another transaction to add the friends?


This only came up during testing when seeding a DB I suppose in practice it's a bit unrealistic as both entities would likely exist already.


you could use temp ids, like :db/id -1

👍 1

have you tried using maps instead of vectors, e.g.

(db/transact! conn
              [{:user/id :user-2 :user/name "user 2" :user/friends [{:user/id :user-2} {:user/id :user-1}]}
               {:user/id :user-1 :user/name "user 1" :user/friends [{:user/id :user-2}]}])