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Is there a good tutorial to using tablecloth somewhere? I'm looking here at the moment, but this is a little bit more reference type docs: •

Daniel Slutsky14:04:49

A few video tutorials: Introductions re:Clojure 2021 workshop: Wrangling datasets with Tablecloth by Mey Beisaron Catch 'em All: Efficient Massive Tabular Data Handling with Tablecloth by Mey Beisaron Diving more into the internals Clojure data-recur meeting 4: Tablecloth by Ethan Miller Usage for data analysis Cooking up a workflow for data (the part by Kira) (Kira's part)


Thanks so much! 🍿

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Daniel Slutsky14:04:09

Anyway I think the docs are great, and really well organised. Reading through them, and skipping sometimes, can be a good way to learn.


Yes - the docs are great!


I managed to get going pretty well with this:

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This was exactly what I was hoping existed Excellent demo @UPGS9BS0L!

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Kira Howe12:04:57

Glad you found it useful! I also have a collection of tutorials going through example problems in Clojure in my Tidy Tuesday series here:

Kira Howe12:04:00

so far it’s mostly tablecloth


That looks great! I've stumbled around a bit now poking at various parts of the eco-system and I am super impressed at what has happened in a couple of years here. This feels so fun and good to use now!

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Just wanted to add to the chorus and say that 1) introduction level material is needed 2) love all of Kiras videos, and 3) some part of the population finds it hard to learn efficiently from video content and still prefer text… but anyway, the trend seems to be positive so, yay 😄

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Kira Howe14:04:45

Yeah I hear you Mattias! My main focus this year is to document and make high-quality tutorials for getting started with Clojure’s data science stack, there’s definitely a huge need. I would love your feedback on the tidy tuesday style tutorials, and also check out the Clojure data scrapbook that Daniel mentioned, there are lots of amazing things in there too