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respatialized20:03:30 for those interested, I am working through my notes on Part 1 of Leland Wilkinson's The Grammar of Graphics with an eye towards informing a potential Clojure implementation of these concepts.

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> The reason why R programmers use ggplot2 and basically nothing else is because they don't need to. ... and why everything else feels barbaric once you try it 😕 this is a cool effort, good luck!


Tableau is based on the same, so you may want to take a look

Daniel Gerson15:03:33

It's interesting that eCharts mentions Wilkinson and specifically eschews the syntax of graphics and other frameworks. It's a pity they don't say more. Skimming their architecture, it appears they want to have a worker model to continually update the render, treating user input and modelling the same. I do like how graphically interactive their charts are, being able to animate between different chart types. I can't speak to the details. Would be great if you could get the best of both worlds. I like that in my line charts I can click on the keys of different stocks and it hides them, animating and rescaling.