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@chris441 Hey. Thanks for your amazing work! Is libpython-clj native image compatible? I could not find references to it easily, so I suspect it is not.


I haven't tried this for a while but the answer is yes with caveats. You would have to generate the dynamic jna classes during the compilation phase and ensure they ended up in the native pathway. Second, you will need to find the appropriate JNA shared libraries from the JNA systems and get those into the loading pathway for the executable. I haven't directly tried this so YMMV but last time I checked I ascertained that it was possible with sufficient motivation.


Ok, cool. Thanks for clarifying!


I recently created a minimal example of using JNA with native image, You can see the config for JNA You might also need to add some config for the libpython-clj shared libraries if you want to include those.


If you're giving it a try and have questions, there's #CAJN79WNT


Thanks, joined.

Daniel Slutsky22:02:47

Is anybody planning to attend the conj? Maybe we could try to organize some informal data-science-related meeting/workshop/hackathon on the days before/after the conference?

Ben Lieberman23:02:46

I think I will be! Not bought tickets yet but this sounds like a great idea.

🙏 2

I plan to follow it on stream, happy to join anything remote friendly.

🙏 2