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Hi 👋 I’m trying out to switch from using Python and Crystal for one of my silly projects comparing the speed of different programming languages by calculating Pi through the Leibniz formula to using Clojure for all the result processing and data visualisation.
The data processing part was straight forward, but for the data visualisation I’m a little bit overwhelmed what best to use for that. In Python I’m using pandas (basically only for DataFrames) and seaborn to generate a barplot as a .png
What would be the recommended tools to achieve a similar result with Clojure?
I’ve seen Hanami mentioned, but I don’t really need interactive charts.
(here is an example image of what I’m trying to generate)
Generally most charting libraries rely on Vega/Vega-Lite so you can get exactly what is possbile in Vega. To get offline charts you can reach for or
Full list of the options are here:
btw. can you share your Clojure code generating PI? I'm pretty sure it can be done as fast as in Java 🙂
I'm using Echarts in & Clerk. Clay's api is changing, so not quite sure the current state. Echarts is just incredible.
Agree with @U1EP3BZ3Q - Clojure should be much faster. @U013WB3U13K do you allow for warm up of JIT first before timing?
@U1EP3BZ3Q - impletmenttation is here and looks pretty good:
The poor performance appears to be coming from JVM cold start + JIT cold start being part of the timing
One solution to JVM cold start + JIT cold start would be to have it run for much longer - eg make the languages run for at least 60 seconds each. the cold starts would still be there but they would be less dominant in the results.
On Java 18, it's enough to add a type hint for rounds
+ change =
to ==
(numerical) to get 10x boost. EDIT (change to ==
doesn't matter)
What's the type hint for rounds? I guess we should try to hint these as primitives/unboxed integers.
(defn calc-pi-leibniz2
"Translation of Java solution to Clojure"
[^long rounds]
(let [end (+ 2 rounds)]
(loop [i (long 2) x 1.0 pi 1.0]
(if (== i end)
(* 4.0 pi)
(recur (inc i) (- x) (- pi (/ x (dec (* 2 i)))))))))
int might be quicker if we don't need the extra length. We probably do need it though
public static Object invokeStatic(final long rounds) {
final long end = 2L + rounds;
long i = 2L;
double x = 1.0;
double pi = 1.0;
while (i != end) {
final long n = i + 1L;
final double n2 = -x;
pi -= Numbers.divide(x, 2L * i - 1L);
x = n2;
i = n;
return Numbers.unchecked_multiply(4.0, pi);
How did you generate that?
To decompile the code I use
Java for original function looks like:
public static Object invokeStatic(final Object rounds) {
final Object end = Numbers.unchecked_add(2L, rounds);
long i = 2L;
double x = 1.0;
double pi = 1.0;
while (!Util.equiv(i, end)) {
final double x2 = -x;
final long n = i + 1L;
final double n2 = x2;
pi += Numbers.divide(x2, 2L * i - 1L);
x = n2;
i = n;
return Numbers.unchecked_multiply(4L, pi);
The difference is in Object end
and equiv
call. Java 11 does some magic here.Maybe try letting rounds to a new param that is a long (let[num-rounds ^long (+ 0 (long rounds))]
- since rounds is an object
It will work for sure. The main issue (kind of unexpected) is a difference between Java 11 and 18. Java 11 works faster with Object end
and equiv
and slower with long end
and primitive comparison.
My times were: Java 11
calc-pi-leibniz "Elapsed time: 3.457612 msecs"
calc-pi-leibniz2 "Elapsed time: 4.133226 msecs"
Java 18
calc-pi-leibniz "Elapsed time: 10.807806 msecs"
calc-pi-leibniz2 "Elapsed time: 0.942277 msecs"
I think the primitive is the way to go - performance isn't that much worse on Java 11 and much better on Java 18. It also feels conceptually that it should be faster 🙂 .
@U1EP3BZ3Q thank you for sharing the tools, I'll have a look 🙂
For your questions around
• Regarding cold starts: I'm testing the performance with It has a warm-up option, but since the command to run the program is executed per run it is still booting up the runtime. The warum-up option just optimizes cached files which are used during the execution. (see
• There is an without the cold start, but that isn't that easy to implement.
• For Clojure I'm using the image so it's
• You can also run the code for just Clojure locally with earthly --config earthly-config.yml +clj
if you clone the repo. (see
Generally I'm very open to pull requests to improve the speed 🙂
PS: you can find the raw results in table form.
Type hint changes:
"Language": "Clojure",
"Version": "",
"Command": "clj leibniz.clj",
"CalculatedPi": "3.141592663589326",
"Accuracy": 8.497170166376472,
"Mean": "1.4111583370133332s",
"Stddev": "0.023889375761580768s",
"UserTime": "2.7031969466666665s",
"SystemTime": "0.37826133333333334s",
"Median": "1.40588699668s",
"Min": "1.39034487068s",
"Max": "1.43724314368s",
"TimesPerRun": [
"ExitCodesPerRun": [
Into this:
"Language": "Clojure",
"Version": "",
"Command": "clj leibniz.clj",
"CalculatedPi": "3.141592663589326",
"Accuracy": 8.497170166376472,
"Mean": "0.8219248784400001s",
"Stddev": "0.01017200819926966s",
"UserTime": "1.9248804666666668s",
"SystemTime": "0.2618478866666667s",
"Median": "0.8221420704400001s",
"Min": "0.8116460134400001s",
"Max": "0.8319865514400001s",
"TimesPerRun": [
"ExitCodesPerRun": [
@U013WB3U13K thanks for the info. For most languages min/max numbers are highly consistent so hyperfine doesn't appear to be helping that much. I like the suggestion in - but this won't totally remove JIT warm up time too. Another option would be to optionally time inside of each language and print it with the result.
@U013WB3U13K PR (with just a code change) is here:
@UJVEQPAKS that was also suggested, but that isn't practical. The project is too far gone. I couldn't implement that for all the different languages. I think the suggestion is the most pragmatic solution which can be done without changing all the programs.
Yup that's fair enough - no point adding extra work if not practical - I was thinking timing could be optional - the programs can print their recorded time to the command line or not (in which case the current timing logic applies). If going with the suggestion in then it might be worth taking away a run with rounds = 1000 so that some JIT warm up time is also eliminated.