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David Vujic09:03:08

I have another question about .dataset : It seems that an Excel document with more than one tab/sheet causes an exception Multiple (2) datasets found in file - is there a way to configure it to select a specific sheet?

David Vujic09:03:55

I looked in the docs, but couldn't find anything about this. @UDRJMEFSN Do you have any ideas on how to solve multiple tabs/datasets?


@U018VMC8T0W - Yes - the ->dataset pathways are set to produce a single datasets and at this point I do not have an option to select one out of potentially many which is an interesting idea. In either or you can find methods that will return a sequence of datasets from an xlsx or xls file.

David Vujic14:03:55

Thanks! I did a quick experiment with workbook->datasets and I think it will be perfect 😄

David Vujic16:03:58

I’ll check it out! Wasn’t aware of that platform 😄