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It looks like this might be the official announcement:
;; deps.edn
{:deps {org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-slf4j-impl {:mvn/version "2.12.1"}
ai.djl.mxnet/mxnet-model-zoo {:mvn/version "0.2.0"}
ai.djl.mxnet/mxnet-native-mkl$osx-x86_64 {:mvn/version "1.6.0-a"}}}
;; example
(ns clj-djl.core
(:require [ :as io])
(:import ( BufferedImageUtils)
(ai.djl.mxnet.zoo MxModelZoo)
( ProgressBar)
( ImageVisualization)
(javax.imageio ImageIO)))
(defn example []
(let [img (BufferedImageUtils/fromUrl "")]
(with-open [model (.loadModel (MxModelZoo/SSD) (ProgressBar.))]
(let [predict-result (-> model
(.predict img))]
(ImageVisualization/drawBoundingBoxes img predict-result)
(ImageIO/write img "png" (io/file "ssd.png"))))))
not meaning to start a wrapper, but put the above example into a repo:
Great! Thanks for blazing the way in trying it out :) I plan to check it out too in the near future
It seems great. (Wished it was more functional though) xD
More tinkering (was looking at MXNet tutorials:
clj-djl.core> (do (import (ai.djl.ndarray NDManager))
(import (ai.djl.ndarray.types Shape))
(with-open [nd-manager (NDManager/newBaseManager)]
(println (.randomUniform nd-manager 1 -1 (Shape. [2 2])))))
#object[ai.djl.mxnet.engine.MxNDArray 0x7b62d17b ND: (2, 2) cpu(0) float32
[[ 0.1527, -0.2471],
[-0.2918, 0.2312],
which is quite interesting, they have a tool to generate JNA mappings from the MXNet C header file:
I wonder how this compares to the hand-written JNI in the Scala/Java bindgins of MXNet:
this generator tool reminds me of SWIG (, although that generates straight JNI from C headers
interesting - @chris441 brought up JNA for TVM / MXNet a bit ago
This 😄 > We would also like to see more java integrations to DMLC projects that allow easier access to multiple languages; ones that force unnecessary dependencies on the scala compiler also force dependencies on the root jvm runtime (mxnet, we are looking at you).