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FWIW, I've just started using vizard and am pretty happy with it. I saw some comments in the archive to the effect that it doesn't support vega-lite 3.0, but it has since been updated with support, so that's no longer an issue. I do wish that it had a couple of extra tricks up its sleeves, in particular the ability to support vega in addition to vega-lite (see these issues if you feel like making some noise:; But its a good start.


For those of you who may not be familiar, I feel it's worth mentioning a couple of things about vega/vega-lite. For starters, it's based on the Grammar of Graphics (, upon which the very popular ggplot2 R library is based. The basic idea of the Grammar of Graphics is to lay out a grammar for how one can build up a data visualization by mapping attributes of your data to aesthetic properties of various layers of a visualization in a declarative manner. Vega and vega-lite in particular are a very data-centric implementation of the ideas in the Grammar of Graphics. As we're all Clojurists, I imagine I need say no more about the value of the declarative, data-driven approach, but I'll leave it at this: vega/vega-lite are very much in the vein of the Clojure philosophy. As such, I'd highly recommend them.


@metasoarous I've been singing the praises of vega-lite here for a while. I've noted you just need a simple client / server arrangement (as basically given by simple sente example) + the cljsjs prepackaged vega,vega-lite,vega-tooltip libs and you are ready to go. I've been reimplementing a chunk of gyptis api on this as I used that in the past, but really - you can do pretty much anything with straight Clj/Cljs maps.


@jsa-aerial I'm glad to see you singing the praises. And you're right, it is insanely easy to whip up a simple client/server setup, I think largely thanks to the declarative/data-driven approach. Still, its nice to have something like vizard or gyptis that prepackages things, and I'm interested in seeing what kind of tooling builds up in this area.