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@squest: no suggestions, but just wanted to say that sounds awesome what you’re doing! Out of curiosity, where are you doing this?


@squest: Wish I could sit in on that! My stats knowledge is limited and I'm trying to improve. BTW have you read written by @henrygarner ? It's how I'm brushing up on my stats. He also gave a pretty cool talk last week at Clojure eXchange here in London.


@diba: Thanks!! it’s always nice to find someone who can appreciate this, since the program is a bit hard to sell simple_smile This is actually the 4th part of our course (computer based math+physics), the first three parts are basic programming (Haskell), math-physics problem solving (P-Euler-like problems, using Clojure), and math+physics simulation/animation using Clojure+Quil. If “where” refers to city then it’s in Jakarta (Indonesia). If it refers to institution then it’s on our onsite learning center (we have an online learning site, and also an onsite learning center to try and test new learning methods).


@agile_geek: Hahaha, I’m not really an expert on it either, just enough stats for teaching A-level/AP level stats. And yes I’ve read and watched @henrygarner’s book & video, in fact I had been waiting for 2-3months for the book to come up before finally bought it the day it was launched simple_smile


The problem with me teaching this part is that Clojure’s style of here and there libraries is good for us the practitioners, but not really for the beginners who probably best served using an out of the box all-in-one tool (like R or Mathematica) yet my students already familiar with Clojure, hence my original question (I will probably create a little library to make them available in one place).