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out of interest, is it an intellij thing or cursive thing that when i terminate a repl (via stop repl button) , it terminates it with SIGKILL ? is it possible to change this?


It’s an IntelliJ thing that I might be able to customise. What else would you want it to do?


my use case is i'd like to register a jvm shutdown hook on the repl jvm to terminate a background process on exit (an embedded postgres thing) , these don't work with SIGKILL alas


so a normal exit would be nice


Hmm, I’ll check. I’m not sure what a normal exit would mean in this case, since the REPL server blocks endlessly.


ah yeh i see, i was meaning essentially (System/exit) or equiv as a jvm shutdown, or a terminate (like ^C) (SIGTERM)


SIGTERM would potentially do it


I don’t think I can control the signal, but sending a System/exit might be an option, then just wait 15 seconds or something and then nuke the process if it hasn’t stopped naturally.


yeh something like that would work , that's what we have some supervisor processes do on our services anyway, try to exit then nuke it shortly after


Could you file an issue for that? I’ll take a look and see how difficult it seems.


will do, thanks

Rachel Westmacott08:05:54

I keep writing edn/read-string and Cursive keeps automatically adding a require. Which is great! Except it keeps requiring malli.edn and I want clojure.edn, which is somewhat irritating. Is there a way I can tell it to stop doing this?


No, but there should be! I’m interested what you would prefer to happen, e.g. some options: 1. Be able to configure that edn always refers to clojure.edn. 2. Be able to say that clojure.edn should always be suggested first in the list. 3. Try to automatically figure out what is more common in your project files (a better option than #2, probably).

Rachel Westmacott10:05:51

I guess I was imagining that if it was automatically requiring stuff it must already be maintaining a list of what edn/... is used to refer to elsewhere, which is why I was surprised by the behaviour. So I imagine that 3 is what I would expect it to do. That doesn't mean it's the best option though...

Rachel Westmacott10:05:24

If 3 can work that sounds like the best though, as it's less work for the user. If I wanted to spend my life configuring my IDE, I'd be using emacs

🍿 1
Rachel Westmacott10:05:00

(not trolling, there are - I'm sure - other legitimate reasons to use emacs)


I think that #3 is a reasonable default behaviour, and probably perhaps #1 should be possible too. I think #3 is a better option than #2, thinking about it.


When I used Emacs, back in the day, I distinctly remember using 25% of my billable time maintaining the thing.

Rachel Westmacott10:05:03

I did go looking in the settings for some sort of list of what aliases should refer to, so that wouldn't be completely surprising either. It would be nice not to have to though.


Yes, I think just sorting by frequency of use in your actual project files would get most people 95% of the way there, probably without them even noticing it was happening (which is the best sort of productivity improvement).

Rachel Westmacott10:05:01

I'm definitely using way less than 25% of my productive time maintaining IntelliJ/Cursive. gratitude

gratitude 1

That’s great, that is definitely one of my life goals, both for myself and users.

Rachel Westmacott10:05:45

95% correct is probably in the right ball park for automated stuffs - though confirmation bias will always make people remember when it is wrong


Yes, no doubt. But if it just sorts by frequency, on the rare occasions you want something else at least it’s still available, whereas the other hard-coding options wouldn’t allow that.

Rachel Westmacott10:05:38

it's great when you type the whole things out (`edn/read-string`) and then alt-enter gives you a choice of what to require - no magic, all explicit.

💯 1
Rachel Westmacott10:05:55

it's only guessing when I half type it, and then get the ide to autocomplete it


I was sure there was an issue about this, but I can’t find it - perhaps it was a discussion on the mailing list. But I’ve got it on my list, I’ll try to get to it soon.

Rachel Westmacott10:05:59

in fact - if I just slow down and read the autocomplete popup it does give me the explicit choice

Rachel Westmacott10:05:13

so I think I should change my behaviour, rather than anything else

Rachel Westmacott10:05:25

sorry to have bothered you!


Yes, I have a few improvements for that in mind too. When it happens in a file and there’s a REPL running with the same ns loaded, it would be nice if it were also auto-required in the REPL namespace so you don’t have to reload the ns form to be able to send forms from that file to the REPL.


> if I just slow down and read the autocomplete popup Yes, but who has time for that?

Rachel Westmacott10:05:15

If I have time to talk about it here, then I probably ought to!


I still think it’s a useful change, since I suspect it will always suggest them in the same order. I’m actually not sure off the top of my head how they are ordered, and JetBrains have all sorts of fancy machine learning stuff I could probably hook into for that. But I think just ordering by frequency is probably easy and very useful.


It’s actually possible that if you choose that option manually, then IntelliJ will just magically suggest it to you more since you’ve chosen it more often.

👍 1

But I’m not sure.


Ok, it’s bedtime for me. But I’ll look at this soon since I think it’s probably an easy win.

Rachel Westmacott10:05:57

don't prioritise is too high!


Right now I’m going to prioritise my beauty sleep!

🎉 1
Anders Corlin19:05:05

A big plus one on @U0FR9C8RZ’s experience, I don't know how many times I have been too quick and gotten malli instead of clojure.edn.

Ernesto Garcia10:05:02

> 3. Try to automatically figure out what is more common in your project files (a better option than #2, probably). It's probably better to just order the list by the latest ns referred by that alias.

👍 1

How would latest work? Do you mean the most recently added? I guess I could track when each one is added and then use that to sort the list. That might work better for cases where you’re locally working on code using one or the other, but then in another part of the project want to use the other. Is that the sort of thing you have in mind? It does require storing more state than just using the most frequent one.

Ernesto Garcia12:05:44

I meant to remember the last one you chose. I think that would be a good heuristic and probably the most expected by the user. Expanding on that, yes, you could maintain the whole LIFO list of prior choices.

Anders Corlin12:05:29

That'd be great. I never use malli.edn in my project, so I guess Cursive finds it in a dependency or smth.