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Karol Wójcik13:01:41

Hello! @cfleming I saw somewhere in repros of yours a really cool macro called defclass. Is it available somewhere publicly?


Hi Karol, this is actually in a fork of Clojure that I run. The design doc for the change is here:, and the code is here:

Karol Wójcik09:01:33

Thank you so much. This looks very promising. Happy new year 🎊


Does cursive or intellij alter how the runtime interacts with classloaders? I have two deps.edn projects: parent and child. The parent deps.edn declares the child as a dependency using git url & sha. For development purposes, the parent defines an alias which declares the child as a :local/root for the child using :override-deps . For development, the project project uses a cursive run config nREPL and the IntelliJ project classpath. Here’s the problem: When I run the project using the alias declaring child as :local/root and the runner, I get an error class datascript.db.DB cannot be cast to class datascript.db.DB (datascript.db.DB is in unnamed module of loader clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader @163e13ef; datascript.db.DB is in unnamed module of loader 'app'). More info in thread


When I run the project using a remote runner connecting to nREPL, there is no problem.


When I change the run config to use Run with Deps, there is no problem.


Is this project publicly available so I could look at it? Cursive uses deps.clj under the hood these days, but that shouldn’t affect how the app itself is run (it can affect reading the project config).


Which version of Cursive are you using?


I’m running 1.13.1-2023.3 on IJ 2023.3.2


The project is not public but I can try to create a repro repo (that’s a fun alliteration!) this weekend


That would be really useful to make sure I’m testing the right thing.


Certainly. I’ll try to get to it this wekeend


Great, thanks!