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Hanan Benzion11:06:13

Hey, I have a question about an issue While running the REPL in IntelliJ. I’m using IntelliJ with cursive and when trying to run the REPL I get the error Saying Exception in plugin Cursive (1.12.8-2023.1) with stacktrace that start with:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: /Workspace/my-project/src/java/generated/OuterClass.class is not a relative path
	at $as_relative_path.invokeStatic(io.clj:414)
My IntelliJ version is: IDEA 2023.1.3 Cursive version: 1.12.8-2023.1 Tried to add a profile under ~/.lein/profiles.clj with `{:user {:java-dmd &lt;Output of which java command&gt;}}` But this didn’t resolve the issue either. If I change the java-source-paths in my project.clj as follow: From _:java-source-paths_ ["src/java" "src/java/generated"] to _:java-source-paths_ ["./src/java" "./src/java/generated"] I can run the REPL, but I want to fix my configuration and not the project.clj Thank you