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Has anyone built anything cool with the new REPL command features?

Roman Liutikov16:02:37

Where can I learn more about this feature?


Inline replace? That's in my top-two wishlist of features! pays attention


Now your list is just a top-one! And I’m curious what it is.


I was actually considering a way of allowing sharing of REPL commands, would that be useful? So generally useful ones could be uploaded and you could browse them somehow. I’m sure that this is a feature that could quickly get out of control in terms of being able to edit and update them - ideally they’d be shared via git somehow, I guess.

🙏 2
clojure-spin 2
🎉 2
😍 4
Rachel Westmacott09:02:27

could also be a file in the source control of the project, for sharing commands with one's team


We version control our .idea directory, so our REPL commands are shared via .idea/repl-commands.xml - excluding in git what Jetbrains suggests:


@U0567Q30W the top one wish-list now is a "Move Name" refactoring. And "Introduce Parameter". And "Inline Function". And "Extract Function" ... 😊

Rachel Westmacott15:02:27

All the 'normal' java refactorings would be great in Clojure!