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Rachel Westmacott10:01:08

is there a way to make the output of REPL commands replace the current selection?

Rachel Westmacott10:01:24

I'm currently hacking it by putting data on the clipboard and then using a java.awt.Robot to Crtl+V .


Would love this feature too.


I’m planning to add this.

🎉 4
clojure-spin 2
Rachel Westmacott09:02:55

This looks amazing. Thank you so much! gratitude

Ernesto Garcia15:01:36

Hi, this seems like an issue: When requiring [chime.core :as chime] , chime/chime is being highlighted by Cursive as deprecated, due to its deprecation in the bare chime namespace. But it's not deprecated in chime.core.


That does look like a bug, I’ll check that.


Is there an option to align the logic in cond statements, like:

  :a     "this"
  :bbbbb "that"
  :c     "the other")
  :a "this"
  :bbbbb "that"
  :c "the other")


No, there isn’t at the moment but I’m planning to add this.

👍 4
clojure-spin 2