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So here is a weird question. I have I've been working on for a long time now that I use in many different projects. Since I haven't done a proper release of that lib yet I just include it via :source-paths ["src/main" "../shadow-experiments/src/main"] in the projects (via lein)


That is definitely weird. I’m not sure whether that’s officially supposed to work, but that behaviour is definitely buggy. I’ll take a look.


somehow that seems to confuse Cursive and I keep piling up .iml files. Dunno exactly when they appear but it might have something to do with leinigen refresh button

-rwxrwxrwx 1 thheller thheller   251 Mar 13  2021 shadow-experiments-1.iml*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 thheller thheller   251 Feb 14  2021 shadow-experiments-2.iml*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 thheller thheller   253 Jan 13 08:07 shadow-experiments-3.iml*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 thheller thheller  6334 Jan 10 18:28 shadow-experiments-4.iml*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 thheller thheller   253 Feb  2 15:56 shadow-experiments.iml*


should I just give up on this pattern? I realize its a hack but it is a workarround for lein checkouts having other issues 😛


I don't mind the extra .iml files but sometimes in the project itself it sort of forgets about itself and all source paths and stuff are gone


when I press the leiningen refresh button I think thats when it recreates a new iml file and basically recreates the project from scratch


if this isn't supposed to work that is fine

Jordan Robinson15:02:57

this may/may not help but another approach could be using a git reference in your project.clj

Jordan Robinson15:02:23

we're using reifyhealth/lein-git-down for that


yeah I was trying to avoid deps.edn or git 😉


also gets to kinda weird error messages when the project has been lost


dunno where that 3c... prefix is coming from :P


now it seems to be completely destroyed. even the lein refresh button doesn't get it back into a working shape