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I’ve joined a project in which the app is built using shadow-cljs. I use Cursive as my IDE. I’ve created a pom with the shadow-cljs pom command, AND I’ve copied its dependencies into a project.clj file. I thought this would make the requires in the source files resolve, but it seems not to have happened. For example in (:require [reagent.core :as r] I hover and get ‘r cannot be resolved’. Is there anything I can do to fix this?


you shouldn’t create a project.clj, shadow-cljs pom generates a maven file for you (pom.xml), so you should then import / open your repo as a maven project instead


Thanks, I have tried that and the same problem occurs. What could my problem be?


It doesn’t even recognize defn or let


Refactoring is also fairly broken, do I conclude that Cursive just doesn’t work under shadow-cljs?


it works for me, and I did what I’ve said you :thinking_face: (+ I’ve setup a java sdk for the project as usual)


Yes I’ve seen that, and as I said I’ve tried it. That failure is what led me to think creating a project.clj might help.


If it is a intellij/cursive problem, you may try to delete the .idea folder and reimport the project as a maven one. Also in intellij you have a menu “file > invalidate caches” which have resolved similar problems for me in the past (clojure syntax not recognized)


@U04V91K02 If you open the Maven toolwindow, do you see your pom registered there? If not, do things start working if you add it there using the + button?


I had exactly the same problem a while ago, and I gave up on shadowcljs in Cursive. I will check it again soon


I deleted the .idea folder and reimported the pom. Things seem to be operating normally now. Thanks all!

🎉 8
Björn Ebbinghaus17:07:00

I get an unresolved symbol when calling a function defined in a protocol in another namespace. If I pull the protocol into the same ns, the symbol gets resolved.


needs to be protocols/tick since it is defined in that ns , same as you used the protocols/Updateable

Björn Ebbinghaus17:07:00

Thanks. Makes sense.


I noticed that Cursive highlights incorrectly the code when using conditional threading macros (like> ,>>). Is there a way to handle it? Example:

(let [assoc-please (fn [r] (assoc r :b :B))]
  (-> {}
      (?> false (assoc :a :A))
      (?> true (assoc-please))))


you can try resolving ?> as clojure.core/-> as described at


Right, I forgot about this feature. Thanks. I will do it next time. Strange thing is that today I opened the IDE and these macros are no longer highlighted as yesterday. The highlighting works as I would expect (I wrote some incorrect forms to validate it). And these macros (?>, ?>>) are not added in the 'Symbol Resolution' mapping in the Preferences. How to explain that? Is the Cursive resolving macros to figure out correct highlighting?


Not sure about that. Perhaps Cursive already knows about those specific macros just failed to look them up yesterday? Only Colin could answer that I suppose