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I am using Cursive 1.9.4 - 2020-10-20 and suddenly am unable to index projects:

12:41 PM	Error reading /Users/kennytilton/dev/crawlingchaos/project.clj
				Cannot run program "clojure" (in directory "/Users/kennytilton/dev/crawlingchaos"): error=2, No such file or directory
				error=2, No such file or directory
What did I do now?! 🙂 The command clojure brings up a prompt in that directory, and I created a symlink named clojure anyway and it still brings up a prompt. I must be misinterpreting that error. Any ideas appreciated. 🙏


I just recreated the IntelliJ project from sources, problem unchanged.


Another team member sees the same on a diff repo.


Catalina is a suspect. It is aways a suspect.


(Some of us) had to tell lein-tools-deps where to find clojure

:lein-tools-deps/config {:clojure-executables ["clojure" "/usr/local/bin/clojure"]
                           :config-files [:install :user :project]}


Even tho it was on our path, btw.


So with that, is the problem fixed? That’s possible, since IntelliJ doesn’t use the same CWD or PATH as lein itself.

Felipe de Morais21:11:53

I would like to use kaocha as my test runner, how could I tell Cursive to use kaocha to run my tests? 👀


Sadly, right now, you can’t, although testing in general is something I’m working on at the moment.


Although it doesn't integrate with gutter markers, etc, I use custom repl commands for this: run all

  (require 'clojure.spec.alpha 'expound.alpha 'kaocha.repl)
  (binding [clojure.spec.alpha/*explain-out* expound.alpha/printer]
run current repl ns
  (require 'clojure.spec.alpha 'expound.alpha 'kaocha.repl)
  (binding [clojure.spec.alpha/*explain-out* expound.alpha/printer]