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@lgessler i’m trying to get things working with shadow too, would love any insights you have to share


been listening to too much Master Boot Record lately, have we?


Nope, don’t know that. But I’m listening to Com Truise, Sword of Truth, Lazerhawk and other stuff atm 🙂


Does anyone know a theme that’s equivalent to it? It might never be quite the same since I guess IntelliJ can’t/won’t produce that sweet halogen glow…


Wow! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


I’ve no idea what he means by “viewing read/write access”, but I want the glow!


In my quest for a nicer-looking theme, I’ve come upon Gradianto. Looks great, but I’m wondering if it’s supposed to be that light in the buffer. I’ve seen the same with other themes at times. Is this a thing that I can configure my way out of?


These theme configs have little to do with Cursive itself, it's IntelliJ providing the base colors. You can customize themes in IntelliJ, including editor window background


Thanks, I’ll have a look if it doesn’t clear up with some software updates.


I’d prefer to have it working out of the box insofar as possible, so that I won’t have to tweak it on every machine/install/upgrade.


(source code deliberately obscured)

Kazuki Yokoyama19:06:31

Hello, people. Does anyone have issues with Cursive unable to resolve symbols? I have some (:require [datomic.api :as d]) around the code and Cursive highlights stuffs like (d/transact ,,,) with a d/transact cannot be resolved. Any thoughts? Thank you.


Did Cursive ever nag you about generating stubs? It's been a while since I worked with Datomic but I vaguely remember the need for stubs there.

Kazuki Yokoyama19:06:30

Yes, and it worked! I've never related one thing to another. Thank you, @U08BJGV6E.


Happy to help!


@UNZQ84WJV There’s some explanation of this feature here:

✔️ 3
Kazuki Yokoyama00:07:55

I took a look at it after @U08BJGV6E told about stubs. I was not aware of this feature. Thank you, @U0567Q30W